Blackheads in the “T-Zone | Blackheads – How to get rid of them!

Blackheads in the “T-Zone Blackheads are recognizable as small black or white spots that lie in the skin. Blackheads are harmless skin impurities that have no disease value per se and are rarely associated with other symptoms. In some cases the blackheads can become inflamed and purulent pimples or papules form. If the pustules are … Blackheads in the “T-Zone | Blackheads – How to get rid of them!

Acne vulgaris

Acne vulgaris is a very common skin disease that mainly affects the hair follicles and their sebaceous glands. It is characterized by the increased occurrence of pimples and blackheads (comedones) in areas of the body with many sebaceous glands, mainly on the face, back and chest. Although the disease is harmless in itself, acne can … Acne vulgaris