Interpretation: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Interpretation as part of perception is a cognitive performance. Interpretation is closely related to the other cognitive abilities of observation and judgment. People observe a situation, interpret the facts, and then form a judgment. What is interpretation? Interpretation is closely related to the other cognitive abilities of observing and judging. The term interpretation goes back … Interpretation: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Language Development: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Language development is vital for humans to be able to communicate with their social environment. However, it is inconceivable without the simultaneous development of the ability to speak and the establishment of nonverbal relationships with objects, people and actions. Parents and other caregivers can support the child in its language development in the long term. … Language Development: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Locked-in Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Being a prisoner of one’s own body – a terrible idea that becomes oppressive truth in locked-in syndrome (in German: Gefangensein-Syndrom or Eingeschlossensein-Syndrom). The best-known, media-present example today is probably Stephen Hawking. What is locked-in syndrome? Locked-in syndrome is a complete paralysis of the four limbs and the body, as well as the speech apparatus, … Locked-in Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Occipitofrontalis Muscle: Structure, Function & Diseases

The occipitofrontalis muscle is a cutaneous muscle composed of the occipitalis muscle and the frontalis muscle, which belongs to the mimic musculature. The muscles raise and lower the eyebrows to frown or tighten the forehead. In lesions of the facial nerve, paralysis of the occipitofrontalis muscle occurs. What is the occipitofrontalis muscle? The musculi epicranii … Occipitofrontalis Muscle: Structure, Function & Diseases