Hair Loss: Hair Transplants

If the hair is slowly thinning, bald patches can be made to disappear by hair transplantation. Nevertheless, one should be aware that with a hair transplant one cannot restore the hair splendor of youth. A pronounced baldness surrounded by a smaller crown of hair can never be covered again with the hair density of an … Hair Loss: Hair Transplants

Importance of Reflexes in the Body

When the doctor shines his light into your eyes or uses his reflex hammer, this action, unpleasant in itself, has the goal of checking your reflexes and thus the state of your nervous functions, because the multitude of bodily reactions, most of which are unconscious to us, shows exactly how our brain performance is doing. … Importance of Reflexes in the Body

Hair Loss: Causes and Treatment

Strong and full hair is synonymous with youth and attractiveness – correspondingly great is the psychological burden for many when the hair falls out. In Germany, every second man and every tenth woman are affected – whether by hereditary or pathological hair loss. Hopes are often high that “miracle cures” and other therapies can stop … Hair Loss: Causes and Treatment