Drosera (Sundew) | Homeopathy for coughs

Drosera (Sundew)

Typical dosage of Drosera (Sundew) for coughs: Tablets D6 Further information about Drosera (Sundew) can be found in our topic: Drosera

  • Pertussis-like dry, crampy cough
  • Rapidly following coughing attacks, which make breathing almost impossible
  • Thereby red head, shortness of breath, nausea
  • Stabbing pain caused to hold the ribcage
  • Cough worse at night and in a warm room, better outside

Hyoscyamus (henbane)

Typical dosage of Hyoscyamus (henbane) for cough: drops D6

  • Nocturnal, dry, cramping irritable cough that worsens when lying down
  • Especially suitable for nervous and over-sensitive people with a tendency to insomnia
  • Coughing worse at night, lying down
  • Better by sitting up and during the day

Senega (Senega root)

General dosage of Senega (Senega root) for cough: drops D4 For further information about Senega (Senega root) please refer to our topic: Senega

  • Dry cough
  • Tough, stuck mucus that is difficult to cough up
  • Painful cough with a feeling of soreness in the chest
  • Often associated with conjunctivitis of the eyes, irritation to tears, feeling of sand grain
  • Everything better outdoors, deterioration in peace

Spongia (bath sponge)

General dosage of spongia (bath sponge) for cough: Tablets D6

  • Dry, barking cough
  • Nightly coughing fits with a feeling of suffocation
  • Worsening before midnight
  • Nervous, tormenting cough (also caused by enlargement of the thyroid gland) with compulsive coughing