Consequences of Obesity

Not every pound over normal weight makes you sick. But it is still true that obesity, if it persists over a long period of time, is a precursor to numerous diseases. Often the first complaints are shortness of breath when climbing stairs, sleep apnea (breathing stops for longer than ten seconds during sleep), increased tendency to sweat, low back and joint pain.Much more dangerous, however, are concomitant and secondary diseases that develop insidiously over years or decades. Today, many chronic diseases and disorders are known to be triggered or aggravated by obesity.

Consequential and associated diseases

According to Professor Arnold Astrup of Copenhagen (9th European Congress on Obesity, ECO, June 1999, Milan), obese people are more than three times more likely than those of normal weight to develop the following diseases:

  • Diabetes mellitus type 2
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Hypertension
  • Dyslipidemia
  • Respiratory problems
  • Sleep apnea

Two to three times more common than normal weight occur:

  • Coronary heart disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Gout

Obese people are also at increased risk (up to two times more likely) for:

  • Certain cancers (uterine, breast, cervical, prostate, gallbladder).
  • Sex hormone disorders
  • Back pain

Obesity additionally increases the risk of thrombosis and embolism, and last but not least means an increased risk during surgery and anesthesia. Obesity leads to psychosocial problems and restrictions on quality of life. Affected individuals often suffer from depression, reduced self-esteem, and lower recognition by those around them.

Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome

Insulin resistance is the term used when there is an elevated level of insulin accompanied by a decreased responsiveness of the body to the effects of insulin. The most common cause is overeating of easily digested carbohydrates. The pancreas produces more and more insulin so that the blood glucose level finally drops. Nevertheless, it remains too high as a result of resistance to insulin. Results are type 2 diabetes mellitus and an exhausted pancreas.

Every kilo less increases life expectancy

Obesity not only poses a serious threat to health, but in addition to various health limitations, it can also mean a shortened lifespan. The risk of mortality is already 1.3-fold higher at moderately elevated BMI (= 27) than in normal-weight individuals. At a BMI of 35, it even increases to 2.5 times. However, this risk can be counteracted by losing weight.