OP for a hailstone

The hailstone, also known as chalazion in the technical terminology, is a chronic inflamed area on the eyelid caused by certain congested sebaceous glands, the so-called meibomian glands. How is a hailstone formed? The 20 to 30 meibomian glands are distributed in the eyelid itself and end with their excretory ducts at the eyelid edges. … OP for a hailstone

What does the post-treatment look like? | OP for a hailstone

What does the post-treatment look like? As a follow-up treatment, an antibiotic eye ointment is prescribed, but the patient can apply it himself. The material removed during the procedure is securely packed and sent for histological, i.e. tissue microscopic examination. In this way it can be made sure that it was actually only a hailstone … What does the post-treatment look like? | OP for a hailstone