Chemical contraceptive methods | Contraception

Chemical contraceptive methods Chemical contraception is the prevention of pregnancy through chemical killing of sperm. This is done by using so-called spermicides. They are available in different dosage forms: Gel Ointment Suppositories Foam Spray The spermicide should be applied at least 10 minutes before intercourse. Some agents kill sperm completely, while others only restrict motility … Chemical contraceptive methods | Contraception

Sterilization | Contraception

Sterilization Sterilization for contraception is a very good method of contraception after the child has been conceived at an advanced age. In Germany, about 7% of women and 2% of men can be sterilized after family planning has been completed. The morning after pill The special feature of the “morning after pill” is that if … Sterilization | Contraception

Which drugs influence the effect of the pill?

Introduction – How can medication influence the effectiveness of the pill? Interactions with other medications can weaken the contraceptive effect of the pill. Conversely, hormonal contraceptives (the Pill) can also alter, increase or weaken the effectiveness of drugs. Before taking a medicine, the prescribing doctor should be informed about the use of the pill. Whether … Which drugs influence the effect of the pill?

Medication without influence | Which drugs influence the effect of the pill?

Medication without influence Ibuprofen: Ibuprofen belongs to the group of painkillers. However, ibuprofen is not known to interact with the pill. Paracetamol: No interactions with the pill are known for paracetamol. The effect of the pill does not appear to be diminished by the simultaneous intake of paracetamol to reduce pain and fever. VomexDiphenhydramine: Vomex … Medication without influence | Which drugs influence the effect of the pill?

Therapy | Thrombosis while taking the pill

Therapy The basic therapy of thrombosis includes wearing suitable compression stockings and taking anticoagulant medication. The compression stockings prevent the swelling of the leg from increasing and increase the return flow of blood to the heart. This prevents further development of thrombosis and alleviates the symptoms. The patient is also given heparin, an anticoagulant drug … Therapy | Thrombosis while taking the pill