How to promote giftedness | High Giftedness

How to promote giftedness

The support begins already in the family, since the parents play a central role in the development of the child. In addition to the home environment, education should also be promoted at school or other institutions, if necessary. If the child is musically gifted, the giftedness can be supported by making music together, at home and also in professional lessons.

Children who are gifted in fine motor skills can be supported by expanding the home handicrafts and work and by sending the child to clubs, to carve, turn or pottery. Many highly gifted children are interested in mathematics and other natural sciences. In order to support the gifted children, various games for math, geometry, spatial thinking and logic are suitable.

It makes sense to give the child extra lessons in addition to the regular school lessons, for example so-called gifted lessons. Chess is also often a very suitable game for highly gifted children. In order to promote existing giftedness, concentration games are generally particularly advisable.

For this purpose, we have developed a game in combination with a game manufacturer, which can playfully promote giftedness. In order to support the child’s high aptitude, it is important to find out what the child likes and enjoys. Then the giftedness can be promoted at home and at school.

What is the connection between giftedness and depression?

A high intelligence quotient is unfortunately no promise for a happy life. A high IQ increases the risk and predisposition for people to worry more and think self-critically.Unfortunately, most highly gifted people are basically rather introverted people who have few social contacts. Loneliness and too much brooding can promote depressive moods. For highly gifted people there is actually a higher risk of developing depression.

Giftedness and ADHS – What is the connection?

In principle, ADHD and giftedness can occur together. The intelligence performance of people with ADHD is on average not higher than that of healthy people. It is also possible that highly gifted children are falsely diagnosed with ADHD.

The following signs are to blame for this: Complaints about boredom and refusal to do certain jobs. One reason for refusing tasks can simply be that a child is underchallenged. In addition, affected children often have few friends of the same age.

This can also be misinterpreted. Therefore, before diagnosing ADHD, one should take a close look and rule out high aptitude. Find out more at nehr under:

  • ADHD
  • ADS