
Synonyms in a broader sense Chicks, chestnuts, irritable cough, coughing irritation engl. : to cough Definition Coughing is the body’s natural method of clearing the airways of foreign bodies and pathogens and is therefore a sign of a healthy immune system. Coughing is a symptom and not a disease in itself; the causes are manifold. … Cough

Nocturnal cough | Cough

Nocturnal cough A common cause of night-time coughing is the backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus, which is facilitated by lying down.This so-called gastroesophageal reflux is not uncommon, affects women and men equally and is aggravated by coffee consumption, nicotine, overweight, alcohol and stress; the actual cause is a weakness of the stomach entrance … Nocturnal cough | Cough

Mucus in the bronchi

Introduction The production of mucus is something quite natural. The mucus is produced by the mucous membrane of the bronchi, as well as the nasal mucosa. The mucus is transported from the bronchial tubes into the throat via the so-called ciliated epithelium, small movable hairs. This is then swallowed down so that it reaches the … Mucus in the bronchi

Damaged bronchi in the baby | Mucus in the bronchi

Damaged bronchi in the baby Babies are more susceptible to infections because of their not yet fully developed immune system. Particularly in the winter months, they often suffer from respiratory infections. Bronchitis is characteristically associated with the formation of mucus in the bronchi. In babies and infants, this is often associated with a narrowing of … Damaged bronchi in the baby | Mucus in the bronchi