
Synonyms Icterus Definition jaundice Jaundice is an unnatural yellowing of the skin or the conjunctiva of the eyes and the mucous membranes, which is caused by an increase in the metabolic product bilirubin. If the level of bilirubin in the body rises above 2 mg/dl, yellowing is triggered. What is an icterus? Icterus is the … Jaundice

Course of disease | Jaundice

Course of disease Icterus is a symptom of an illness or, in the context of newborns, usually a naturally occurring phenomenon. The course of the “jaundice triggering” disease is basically decisive. Depending on the cause and therapeutic measures, the course of the icterus is also determined. Decisive for the existence of jaundice are increased concentrations … Course of disease | Jaundice

Lung pain when coughing

Introduction Coughing can cause pain for various reasons. However, the symptoms typically referred to as lung pain are not pain of the organ itself. Rather, the sheaths surrounding the lungs are the organs that trigger the pain stimulus. To feel pain, impulses must be sent from the affected organ to the brain via pain-conducting nerve … Lung pain when coughing

Diagnosis of lung pain when coughing | Lung pain when coughing

Diagnosis of lung pain when coughing Lung pain when coughing is initially a symptom that can indicate many illnesses. The most important step in the diagnosis is the doctor-patient consultation. During this discussion, the physician asks the person concerned about the type of symptoms as well as triggers and the course of the disease. Often … Diagnosis of lung pain when coughing | Lung pain when coughing

Duration and prognosis of lung pain when coughing | Lung pain when coughing

Duration and prognosis of lung pain when coughing Lung pain when coughing will subside when the trigger of the cough is treated. If there are causes such as infectious diseases, these are usually healed within one to two weeks. Serious infections such as pneumonia or inflammation of the pleura and pleura can last much longer. … Duration and prognosis of lung pain when coughing | Lung pain when coughing

Dizziness with a cold

What is dizziness with a cold? A cold or flu can lead to various symptoms. These more often include dizziness, which in the case of a cold is directly related to the strain on the body caused by the cold. The cause is probably a combination of different factors and also depends on the type … Dizziness with a cold