Hashimoto | Pernicious anemia


Autoimmune diseases, i.e. diseases in which the body forms antibodies against its own structures, often occur together. Pernicious anemia caused by antibodies often occurs together with Hashimoto. In Hashimoto, the body produces antibodies against the thyroid gland.

The antibodies damage the thyroid tissue and lead to hypothyroidism. On the other hand, Hashimoto also occurs more frequently with pernicious anemia due to antibodies than with other autoimmune diseases. Therefore, Hashimoto patients who suffer from fatigue and exhaustion despite a good thyroid hormone setting should be evaluated. A blood count and vitamin B12 should be measured in order to detect possible concomitant pernicious anemia.


For reasons unknown so far, the formation of antibodies against mucus-forming cells in the stomach mucosa may occur. The destruction of these cells leads to an inflammation of the stomach mucosa. This is called type A gastritis.

In addition, not enough intrinsic factor is produced. However, this factor is crucial for the absorption of vitamin B12, which in turn is essential for blood formation. In women, these antibodies are formed much more frequently.