Homeopathic remedies after surgery as an accompanying therapy

After awakening from anesthesia, if the patient suffers from nausea Patients with reduced liver function may experience prolonged nausea after awakening from anesthesia. Nux vomica/Brechnuss can be used for People with hectic lifestyles Irritant abuse in the evening before bedtime Morning nausea and vomiting Feeling of fullness, flatulence after eating Liver swelling and tension pain … Homeopathic remedies after surgery as an accompanying therapy

For pain after surgery | Homeopathic remedies after surgery as an accompanying therapy

For pain after surgery StaphisagriaStephanskraut can be used when the pain is felt like sore and after smooth cuts. It is also suitable for very moody patients with an irritable mood, who are shy and easily offended. StaphisagriaStephanskraut is also useful when the symptoms are aggravated by anger, grief and early in the morning after … For pain after surgery | Homeopathic remedies after surgery as an accompanying therapy