
What is phototherapy? Phototherapy is a branch of the so-called physical therapy. Here the patient is irradiated with blue light. This rather short-wave light transfers its energy to the irradiated skin and can thus develop its therapeutic effect. Phototherapy is most frequently used for newborns, but it can also be used for various skin diseases. … Phototherapy

Is it allowed to breastfeed a baby with jaundice prolongatus? | Icterus prolongatus – How dangerous is it?

Is it allowed to breastfeed a baby with jaundice prolongatus? In rare cases an icterus prolongatus is caused by breastfeeding. In medicine, this is known as breast milk icterus. It is suspected that certain components that can be found in breast milk (possibly the enzyme beta-glucoronidase) inhibit the breakdown of the bilirubin produced and thus … Is it allowed to breastfeed a baby with jaundice prolongatus? | Icterus prolongatus – How dangerous is it?

Icterus prolongatus – How dangerous is it?

What is an icterus prolongatus? Prolongatus is an icterus (jaundice) in newborns that persists for more than two weeks after birth. In the case of icterus prolongatus, the bilirubin level is still significantly elevated above normal values even after the 10th day of life. This can be recognized by the conspicuous yellowing of the skin … Icterus prolongatus – How dangerous is it?

Treatment/Therapy | Icterus prolongatus – How dangerous is it?

Treatment/Therapy In case of a mildly pronounced icterus prolongatus no treatment is necessary and the occurrence of consequential damage is very unlikely. However, the newborn baby should be checked regularly by transcutaneous bilirubin determination or blood tests in order to be able to start therapy in time if the values rise above the limit. It … Treatment/Therapy | Icterus prolongatus – How dangerous is it?

How long does an icterus prolongatus last? | Icterus prolongatus – How dangerous is it?

How long does an icterus prolongatus last? If icterus prolongatus is present, the newborn should be treated immediately with phototherapy. Treatment lasts one to two days, after which the yellow coloration quickly improves significantly. The prognosis for icterus prolongatus is good with appropriate therapy. The child recovers completely and consequential damage does not normally occur. … How long does an icterus prolongatus last? | Icterus prolongatus – How dangerous is it?


What is a kernicterus? Kernikterus is an increased accumulation of bilirubin in the brain, which can occur in newborns. Various causes and developmental mechanisms play a role here. Icterus refers to jaundice, which can occur in newborns but also in adults due to increased bilirubin levels, especially in the eyes and skin. Bilirubin is a … Kernikterus

Jaundice of the newborn

Synonym neonatal jaundice, neonatal hyperbilirubinemia : jaundice Definition and word origin A neonatal icterus represents the increased concentration of bilirubin, a breakdown product of the blood pigment haemoglobin, in the blood of the newborn. Jaundice occurs in more than half of all healthy newborns, and a bilirubin concentration of up to 15 mg/dl in serum … Jaundice of the newborn

Symptoms of neonatal jaundice | Jaundice of the newborn

Symptoms of neonatal jaundice The increased bilirubin content of the blood colors the skin and the white of the eye yellow. At particularly high concentrations, the fat-soluble bilirubin can penetrate nerve cells and destroy them. This initially causes sluggishness and fatigue in the newborn as well as massive muscle weakness and a reduced need to … Symptoms of neonatal jaundice | Jaundice of the newborn