Surgery on the tooth

Introduction There are a number of surgical procedures that are regularly performed in dentistry, because it is not always sufficient to free the tooth from caries and to place a filling. In the worst case, the tooth cannot be saved and must be extracted. The apicoectomy is a treatment attempt to save the tooth from … Surgery on the tooth

Cystostomy | Surgery on the tooth

Cystostomy Cysts are hollow spaces lined with mucosa. If a cyst forms in the jaw, it should usually be removed and last but not least, it should be examined to see whether it is a benign or possibly malignant change in the tissue. In cystostomy, a connection between the cyst cavity and the oral or … Cystostomy | Surgery on the tooth

Therapy | The jaw cyst

Therapy There are two ways to treat a cyst. Once by means of a cystectomy and once by means of a cystostomy. In a cystectomy the cyst is completely removed, i.e. cut out. In a cystostomy one cyst wall is removed, the others are left in place. The cyst bellows are also retained. This cyst … Therapy | The jaw cyst

Diagnosis | The jaw cyst

Diagnosis Very experienced dentists or oral surgeons can certainly palpate a cyst manually. However, a definite diagnosis can only be made on an X-ray.The exact location of the cyst gives an indication of the type of cyst. Only when it has been removed can the exact type be determined under the microscope. It is important … Diagnosis | The jaw cyst

The jaw cyst

Definition A cyst is a cavity in the tissue that is filled with a fluid. This fluid is usually the result of an inflammation, but is not pus. They are surrounded by a connective tissue membrane that gives them stability. This allows them to grow without the fluid spreading. The term jaw cyst refers specifically … The jaw cyst

Symptoms | The jaw cyst

Symptoms A paradoxical symptom is that you do not notice anything at first. As long as the cysts are small, there are no symptoms at first. There is accompanying pain when larger cysts push the roots of the teeth to the side. A feeling of pressure then develops there. Patients describe the feeling as if … Symptoms | The jaw cyst

Cystostomy of the tooth

What is a cystostomy of the tooth? A cystostomy is a treatment procedure for large cysts (chambers in the jawbone filled with fluid), which makes it possible to spare adjacent tooth roots and nerves. The mucous membrane and the jawbone are opened above the cyst. Access to the cyst is created through a small incision … Cystostomy of the tooth

Inflammation after cystostomy of the tooth | Cystostomy of the tooth

Inflammation after cystostomy of the tooth Inflammation in the affected area after a cystostomy is an undesirable side effect, but does not have serious consequences. The oral cavity contains a great many bacteria. For this reason, inflammation of the exposed and treated area is a common complication of a cystostomy.To prevent inflammation, avoid heavy physical … Inflammation after cystostomy of the tooth | Cystostomy of the tooth