Motor Proteins: Function & Diseases

Motor proteins belong to the group of cytoskeletal proteins. The cytoskeleton serves to stabilize the cell as well as its movement as well as the transport mechanisms in the cell. What are motor proteins? The group of cytoskeletal proteins is composed of motor proteins, regulatory proteins, Brϋck proteins, boundary proteins, and Gerϋst proteins. Motor proteins … Motor Proteins: Function & Diseases

Desmin: Structure, Function & Diseases

Desmin is a protein found as an intermediate filament in the cytoskeleton and in striated and smooth muscle. Its role is to stabilize cells and to connect muscular structures. Genetic alterations (mutations) that cause disorders in desmin synthesis are associated with various muscle diseases such as desminopathy or cardiomyopathy. What is desmin? Desmin is a … Desmin: Structure, Function & Diseases