Loungers: Function, Task & Diseases

The following article deals with the basic body posture of lying down. After a preceding definition, it is presented which tasks, functions and which benefit lying fulfills for humans. Likewise, diseases and complaints resulting from incorrect posture or otherwise related to this body position are discussed. What is lying down? Lying down is a physical, … Loungers: Function, Task & Diseases

Body Odor: Causes, Treatment & Help

Body odor means unpleasant smelling or even smelly body parts or evaporations of the complete body. The causes are as varied as the treatment options. Body odor can also be prevented. What is body odor? As body odor, we mostly refer to unpleasant-smelling evaporations of the body. It occurs in various forms such as sweat … Body Odor: Causes, Treatment & Help

Hyaluronic Acid (Hyaluronan)

Products Hyaluronic acid is commercially available in the form of creams, nasal creams, nasal sprays, cosmetics, lozenges, eye drops or gels, and injectables, among others. The injectables are also combined with local anesthetics such as lidocaine to prevent pain. Hyaluronic acid was first isolated from bovine eyes in the 1930s. Structure and properties Hyaluronic acid … Hyaluronic Acid (Hyaluronan)


What is necrosis? Necrosis is the pathological, i.e. pathological, destruction of cells, cell groups or tissue. Within a cell, this leads to clumping of DNA and cell swelling. The cell bursts and cellular components are released, which cause inflammation in the surrounding tissue. Necrosis can be caused by many different factors, such as extreme temperatures, … Necrosis

Causes of necrosis | Necrosis

Causes of necrosis Necrosis can occur due to aseptic and septic influences. Aseptic influences include mainly mechanical events, circulatory disorders, radiation damage, toxins, and thermal changes (e.g. frostbite). Circulatory disorders are caused, for example, by diabetes, smoking, alcohol consumption, genetic factors or the long-term use of medication. Septic necrosis is caused by infections with pathogens … Causes of necrosis | Necrosis

Diagnosis | Necrosis

Diagnosis The diagnostic procedure depends on the location of the necrosis. If it is an external necrosis, for example skin necrosis, a physician can make a diagnosis after closer examination. In addition, a smear of the wound is taken to determine whether pathogens are present in the necrosis. However, if the necrosis is internal, for … Diagnosis | Necrosis

Treatment/Necrosectomy | Necrosis

Treatment/Necrosectomy Similar to pain, the duration of healing and prognosis of necrosis depends very much on the situation and the patient. In the case of very superficial necrosis, independent healing is possible within a few weeks after removal of the corresponding cause. However, if the necrosis is advanced, a doctor must be consulted. The prognosis … Treatment/Necrosectomy | Necrosis

Necrosis on the heel | Necrosis

Necrosis on the heel Necroses of the heel are caused by so-called pressure necroses. These are mainly found in lying and only slightly mobile people and are also called pressure sores. When lying on the back, for example, permanent pressure is exerted on the rear heel. The supplying blood vessels are squeezed and the tissue … Necrosis on the heel | Necrosis

Pulp necrosis | Necrosis

Pulp necrosis The dental pulp is located inside a tooth and contains the nerves and blood vessels that supply the tooth. Pulp necrosis is an inflammation of the dental pulp, for example due to the immigration of bacteria. This leads to swelling of the pulp, which causes an impression of the blood vessels and severe … Pulp necrosis | Necrosis