Physiotherapy Torn muscle fibre

The first measure of physiotherapy for ruptured muscle fibers is the so-called “PECH rule“. This rule can be applied by anyone immediately after a torn muscle fiber. The faster the intervention, the sooner the athlete gets back on his feet. PECH stands for break, ice, compression, high support. This means that sports activities should be … Physiotherapy Torn muscle fibre

Further procedures from physiotherapy | Physiotherapy Torn muscle fibre

Further procedures from physiotherapy Further measures in physiotherapy for muscle fiber rupture are tapes to relieve the muscle and at the same time support its function. They can give the tissue space to ensure sufficient blood circulation and nutrition and to take tension from the structures. They are also recommended for returning to sports after … Further procedures from physiotherapy | Physiotherapy Torn muscle fibre

Causes | Physiotherapy Torn muscle fibre

Causes The individual cells of a muscle are called fibers. These are long and thin. The muscle fibers contain elements that shorten when tensed (contracted). These elements slide slowly into and out of each other to create movement. Auxiliary devices in the muscles constantly control their tension and prevent overstretching, for example, by means of … Causes | Physiotherapy Torn muscle fibre

Summary | Physiotherapy Torn muscle fibre

Summary The torn muscle fiber is a long-lasting injury, which can lead to often weeks to months of withdrawal from training. The painful wound can be prevented or, in the case of an injury that has already occurred, the healing process of the torn muscle fiber can be positively influenced by optimized training/physical exercises/physiotherapy, sufficient … Summary | Physiotherapy Torn muscle fibre