
Synonyms Inflammation of the periodontium, apical periodontitis, marginal periodontitis, erroneously: periodontal disease (outdated) Definition The term periodontitis in dental terminology refers to the spread of inflammatory processes within the periodontium. The gums, tooth cement, jaw bone and the fibrous suspension of the tooth in its compartment can be affected. General information Periodontitis is one of … Periodontitis

Forms of periodontitis | Periodontitis

Forms of periodontitis Chronic periodontitis is a slowly progressing disease of the periodontium. Long phases of stagnation (standstill) and short phases of progression (progress) are characteristic. Chronic periodontitis is the most common form of periodontal disease. The triggers include subgingival plaque (under the gums) and characteristic frontal germs. But also general medical diseases like HIV, … Forms of periodontitis | Periodontitis

Associated symptoms | Periodontitis

Associated symptoms Often periodontitis is not recognized by those affected, as it does not initially cause significant symptoms. There are some signs that can indicate an existing or developing periodontitis. These signs include increased bleeding of the gums, swelling of the gums, exposed sensitive tooth necks, conspicuous bad breath, receding gums (gingival recession), unpleasant taste … Associated symptoms | Periodontitis

Duration of the treatment | Periodontitis

Duration of the treatment The treatment of periodontitis is divided into three chronologically separated sections. The pre-treatment usually consists of three appointments. During these appointments, a medical history is taken, an oral hygiene and periodontal status is established, the oral cavity is disinfected, hard and soft plaque is removed, instruction in comprehensive and correct oral … Duration of the treatment | Periodontitis

Prognosis | Periodontitis

Prognosis Inflammatory processes in the area of the periodontium require urgent treatment, as the long-term consequences can have an enormous impact on both chewing ability and facial aesthetics. If periodontitis remains untreated for a longer period of time, the focus of inflammation will spread further. In most cases, the result is an irreversible loss of … Prognosis | Periodontitis

Prophylaxis | Periodontitis

Prophylaxis The prevention (prophylaxis) of periodontitis includes improving daily oral hygiene and participating in a prophylaxis program in the dental office. The affected patients should brush their teeth at least three times a day. However, in the end it is not only the frequency, but above all the quality of oral hygiene that is of … Prophylaxis | Periodontitis

Symptoms of fistula on the gums | Fistula on the gums

Symptoms of fistula on the gums The typical symptoms of a fistula on the gums depend mainly on the exact location, the extent and the stage of the fistula. In its initial stage, the gum fistula does not usually cause any symptoms. For this reason, the existing inflammatory processes are often not recognized as such … Symptoms of fistula on the gums | Fistula on the gums

What are the risks of fistulas on the gums? | Fistula on the gums

What are the risks of fistulas on the gums? A fistula on the gums should definitely be presented to a dentist as soon as possible. The dentist can initiate a suitable treatment in view of the clinical picture. In general, the fistula itself does not pose a risk. However, it is an indication of chronic … What are the risks of fistulas on the gums? | Fistula on the gums