Mineralization: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

In mineralization, minerals are deposited in hard tissues, such as the teeth or bones, for hardening. In the body, there is a permanent balance between mineralization and demineralization. In the case of a mineral deficiency or other mineralization disorders, this balance is disturbed. What is mineralization? In mineralization, minerals are deposited in hard tissues, such … Mineralization: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases


What is dentin? The dentin or also called dentin, belongs to the hard tooth substances and forms proportionally their main mass. It is the second hardest substance in our body after enamel and is located between the enamel, which is on the surface, and the root cement, which is the surface of the root. The … Dentin

Pain on dentin | Dentin

Pain on dentin The majority of pain that occurs in the dentin is caused by caries. The caries “eats” its way from the outside to the inside. It develops on the outermost layer, the enamel, and progresses gradually. Once the caries has reached the dentine, it is not reversible and must be treated to prevent … Pain on dentin | Dentin

What can be done if the dentin is discoloured? | Dentin

What can be done if the dentin is discoloured? Dentin differs in structure and colour from enamel. While the enamel carries the brilliant white, the dentin is yellowish and much darker. This discoloration is not pathological, however, but normal. If the affected person finds it unaesthetic, dentin can be bleached. However, this always removes liquid … What can be done if the dentin is discoloured? | Dentin

Remineralization: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Remineralization is the re-storage of minerals in hard tissues, such as the teeth or bones. Acidosis causes hard tissues to demineralize and become brittle. In the mouth, saliva is responsible for remineralization, which itself is supersaturated with minerals. What is remineralization? Remineralization is the re-storage of minerals in hard tissues, such as the teeth. The … Remineralization: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Streptococcus Mitis: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

The bacterium Streptococcus mitis belongs to the viridans streptococci. Viridans streptococci are found predominantly in the mouth and throat. What is streptococcus mitis? Mitis bacteria are gram-positive and belong to the streptococcus bacterial genus. Streptococci are spherical bacteria that prefer to be arranged in chains. Gram-positive bacteria can be stained blue in the Gram stain. … Streptococcus Mitis: Infection, Transmission & Diseases