Can gums recede with an electric toothbrush? | The electric toothbrush

Can gums recede with an electric toothbrush? Put simply, if an electric toothbrush is used improperly, the gums can recede; however, the same applies to the manual toothbrush. The danger is, of course, if the brush is pressed too hard on the gums and the movements of the brush are exerted on the gums. If … Can gums recede with an electric toothbrush? | The electric toothbrush

Is it allowed to take an electric toothbrush in hand luggage when flying? | The electric toothbrush

Is it allowed to take an electric toothbrush in hand luggage when flying? All electric toothbrushes are allowed on the plane. The electronics are not considered dangerous and may therefore also be carried in hand luggage. Mouth showers and toothbrushes with an integrated mouth shower are also permitted. For mouth showers that have a capacity … Is it allowed to take an electric toothbrush in hand luggage when flying? | The electric toothbrush

The seal

Definition A seal (tooth seal) is colloquially called a tooth filling made of amalgam, a mercury alloy (silver amalgam). Individual components of this filling material are: Silver (40%) Tin (32%) Copper (30%) Indium (5%) Mercury (3%) and Zinc (2%). Discussions about the seal Amalgam dental fillings are still the subject of many discussions today. Critics … The seal

Application | The seal

Application Amalgam is still frequently used in German dental practices and is also quite easy to insert into the tooth. After a local anaesthetic is applied, the caries is completely removed and the tooth is prepared in a box-shaped manner. This preparation ensures the highest possible adhesion between the tooth substance and the filling material. … Application | The seal

The cost of a seal | The seal

The cost of a seal The cost of a seal, i.e. a tooth filling, depends on the material chosen for the filling. In most cases there is the possibility of a plastic or amalgam filling. Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most frequently chosen seal is made of plastic. The … The cost of a seal | The seal

Diagnosis | Bisphosphonate-associated bone necrosis

Diagnosis Above all, questioning the patient (anamnesis) and determining whether and at what time oral surgery was performed is an important starting point in diagnosis. In addition, the attending physician should pay special attention to the collection of the medication taken in recent years. Especially the intake of bisphosphonates is relevant for this disease. In … Diagnosis | Bisphosphonate-associated bone necrosis

Symptoms of caries

Introduction The symptoms of caries always depend on the stage of the disease. The preliminary stage of “real caries” is decalcification processes in which minerals are released from the tooth enamel. These decalcifications can be recognized as small white spots, so-called “white spots” on the tooth surface. In some cases, even at this stage, dark … Symptoms of caries

Ceramic inlays | The inlay as a restoration for a destroyed tooth

Ceramic inlays Ceramic inlays are an alternative to the gold inlays just described. They consist of particularly resistant, unbreakable ceramic and must also be produced in the dental laboratory. The advantage of this material is the fact that the ceramic can be matched to the natural color of the tooth and therefore appears almost invisible. … Ceramic inlays | The inlay as a restoration for a destroyed tooth

Advantages – disadvantages of a gold or ceramic inlay | The inlay as a restoration for a destroyed tooth

Advantages – disadvantages of a gold or ceramic inlay Ceramic as a material for an inlay has several advantages over other materials. It can be adapted exactly to your own tooth color. This results in a very aesthetic restoration of the tooth, which also looks natural. Ceramic is also very well tolerated. Allergic reactions are … Advantages – disadvantages of a gold or ceramic inlay | The inlay as a restoration for a destroyed tooth