Root canal treatment with a laser – is this an alternative? | Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment with a laser – is this an alternative? Many dental practices offer treatment with a dental laser as an alternative to root canal treatment using manual or electrical devices. This has a thin glass fiber that is inserted into the root canal. This allows the laser to act precisely at the point … Root canal treatment with a laser – is this an alternative? | Root canal treatment

Homeopathy | Root canal treatment

Homeopathy A possible complication after a root canal treatment is the formation of pus, which is accompanied by a very painful feeling of pressure. Pus can form for many different reasons. On the one hand, it is possible that the tooth has become inflamed again after the treatment due to slightly remaining bacteria. One can … Homeopathy | Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment, Endodontic treatment, Endo, WKB Introduction Root canal treatment belongs to the field of endodontics. This means everything concerning the dental nerve and the tooth chamber, i.e. the inner life of the tooth. This treatment serves to preserve the tooth in the oral cavity and ensures that the infection cannot spread and the … Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment during pregnancy | Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment during pregnancy During pregnancy, many women suffer from carious defects and/or inflammation of the periodontium (specialist term: periodontitis). Deep carious defects, which make root canal treatment necessary, usually cause severe pain. Postponing the necessary treatment measures until after delivery is therefore often not possible without problems. As a rule, if you wish … Root canal treatment during pregnancy | Root canal treatment

Chlorhexidine rinse solution | Cleaning the denture

Chlorhexidine rinse solution Thorough brushing and rinsing of the denture and the additional use of special tablets for cleaning the denture can effectively reduce both bacterial pathogens and other germs on the surface of the artificial teeth. Besides the advantages of using artificial denture cleaning products, there are also some disadvantages.One of the most relevant … Chlorhexidine rinse solution | Cleaning the denture


General information The gum (lat. Gingiva, Greek ulis) is part of the periodontium and represents the epithelial component. Since the gum lacks a subcutaneous tissue (subcutis), it cannot be moved. In addition, the gums cannot be reproduced. Structure of the gums Histologically, the gums consist of a multi-layered squamous epithelium with hardly any horny layers. … Gums