Manual toothbrush vs. electric toothbrush | Everything around the toothbrush

Manual toothbrush vs. electric toothbrush You can choose between manual toothbrushes and electric toothbrushes. Basically, you can have very good oral hygiene with both. Especially with the manual toothbrush, however, it is especially important to use them correctly in order to achieve optimal results. For this reason, manual toothbrushes are recommended for less skilled people … Manual toothbrush vs. electric toothbrush | Everything around the toothbrush

Toothbrush for the spaces between the teeth | Everything around the toothbrush

Toothbrush for the spaces between the teeth Even if you are very good with your toothbrush and clean optimally, special aids for cleaning the interdental spaces are indispensable. Here you can use dental floss, dental sticks and interdental space brushes (= tooth space brushes).Interdental space brushes are small brushes with holder, which usually consist of … Toothbrush for the spaces between the teeth | Everything around the toothbrush

How often should you change your toothbrush? | Everything around the toothbrush

How often should you change your toothbrush? It is recommended to change his toothbrush every 6 to 8 weeks. If it looks particularly worn out before that time, you should of course change it before then. The bristles must always be parallel to each other to ensure optimal cleaning. In addition, bacteria and germs collect … How often should you change your toothbrush? | Everything around the toothbrush

The consequences of teeth grinding

Introduction Teeth grinding is excessive tooth contact between the upper and lower teeth. Statically it is called pressing, dynamically it is called grinding (bruxism). Normally, upper and lower teeth are in contact only during swallowing and chewing. At rest there is an average distance of 2 mm between the teeth (resting position). In case of … The consequences of teeth grinding

Tooth filling with amalgam

Introduction In order to remove caries successfully and to be able to provide the affected tooth with long-term care afterwards, a dental filling is usually used. After the dentist has completely removed the caries and drained the hole (cavity) created by the treatment of the caries, one of the different filling materials can be used. … Tooth filling with amalgam


Synonyms in a broader sense Apectomy, root tip amputation Definition A root apex resection is used in cases of a pronounced inflammation of the root apex. The term root apex inflammation (technical term: apical periodontitis) is understood in dental terminology as an inflammation in the area of the root apex of a tooth. In a … Apicoectomy

Diagnosis | Apicoectomy

Diagnosis Since the inflammatory process is largely painless, only an x-ray provides certainty that an inflammatory reaction has formed in the bone due to the spread of bacteria. In some cases the pus makes its way out and forms a fistula on the tooth, through which the contents of the cavity are emptied. Operative procedure … Diagnosis | Apicoectomy

Risks | Apicoectomy

Risks Since apicoectomy is a surgical procedure, the patient must be informed of possible risks before the actual treatment begins. The most common side effects that occur during an apicoectomy depend on the position of the tooth to be treated and the initial condition of the root tip to be treated. A special risk in … Risks | Apicoectomy

Duration | Apicoectomy

Duration The duration of a root tip resection cannot be given in minutes or hours. This depends on the patient’s situation, the difficulty of the procedure, the experience and skill of the treating physician or possible complications that may occur during the treatment. As a rule, a value of 15-30 minutes per apicoectomy can be … Duration | Apicoectomy