Balance: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Balance is a mental state characterized by absence of agitation and excitement. The balanced person is less likely to be upset by anxiety and aggression than an unbalanced person.

What is equilibrium?

Equilibrium is a mental state characterized by absence of agitation and excitement. The range of human emotions is broad and susceptible to many disorders. The emotional spectrum of balanced people is very well balanced. None of the emotions is overemphasized by influences; instead, the emotional world of serene people is lovingly directed toward themselves and others. The state of mind of serenity is also an expression of self-confidence. A balanced state of mind is becoming especially important in the wake of a performance-oriented society, as more and more people are looking for ways to escape stress traps and achieve greater inner peace. Balance is often equated with more contentment, but it does not mean the same thing. Balance is influenced by internal and external factors. Through various techniques that can be learned, unbalanced people can achieve more inner peace. Balance is torpedoed by lack of self-confidence and self-rejection. Fear of being rejected by others makes people restless and insecure.

Function and task

Mental balance is a state that many people desire but often find difficult to achieve. We all want to be able to find workable solutions to problems and look to the future with optimism. Every person has a personal performance and stress limit, so measures that lead to more balance vary greatly from person to person. People may be able to withstand a higher level of stress for a few days, but this should not be a permanent condition. It is the assessment of a situation that creates a feeling. Usually it is our own view of things that makes us feel hopeless, angry, depressed, or else serene. Like other emotional states, composure also begins in the mind. Keeping a cool head even in difficult situations is one of the most desired goals of human existence. In the long run, imbalance leads to physical and mental complaints of all kinds. People do not achieve balance without conscious action. Those who have not inherited this stability, or who have not been able to acquire it, get into stress more quickly. Confidence and optimism help to become more mentally balanced. Self-confident people do not question themselves personally in the event of failure, but put the result into perspective with regard to the circumstances. People who do not feel at the mercy of others but know that they can influence their own life situation in many respects feel stronger and thus more relaxed. Emotional imbalance limits the self-healing powers and leads to a loss of vital energy. In this context, people like to talk about work-life balance. It strives for balance between private life and work life. In order to remain healthy in the long term, both areas of life should be in balance. Those who find themselves in an unbalanced life situation often transfer this to their performance at work, which can have severe consequences.

Illnesses and complaints

Balance can be achieved through many methods. First, the cause of the imbalance must be found. If necessary, several factors must be considered and dealt with. Symptoms of stress should be treated in time, because permanent stress makes people ill. Unbalanced people show mental and physical symptoms. They suffer from negative feelings such as insecurity, fear, envy, jealousy, aggression and problems in dealing with other people. All of them are the harbingers of organic diseases, because the body cannot compensate them permanently and so they manifest themselves in it. In the case of long-term stress, the cortisol level is permanently at a high level. The stress hormone produces states of exhaustion and feelings of powerlessness. It has been proven that permanently high cortisol levels damage the blood vessels and can lead to stroke and heart attack. Thus, reducing stress is vital. Those who ensure a good balance between private and professional life keep themselves mentally and physically healthy in the long term. The earlier stress and states of exhaustion are noticed, the better they can be treated.Particularly in the workplace, it is important to ensure an appropriate number of tasks and sufficient room for maneuver. Balance can also be achieved through activity. People who exercise regularly usually feel better than sluggish people, because sports release happiness hormones. Letting go of stress-triggering thoughts is another method for more serenity. Becoming aware of your own strengths and weaknesses and accepting things that cannot be changed are useful strategies against negative stress. The feeling of not being able to take self-determined action is a major stress factor. Those who see challenge not as a threat, but as an opportunity to learn, regain control over their lives, because serenity is beneficial to health, while constant stress can reduce life expectancy. Through better time management, exercise, stress management and stress prevention methods, more serenity sets in. Visualization, acupuncture and many other methods can influence one’s emotions in such a way that they have a positive effect. In this way, balance is achieved in all situations in life, an important prerequisite for becoming and maintaining healthy. Methods of relaxation, breathing techniques and meditation help to achieve balance. Targeted breathing has been a proven method of stress reduction for thousands of years. Deep breathing lowers the pulse rate and normalizes an elevated heart rate. Individuals can try different methods, because not everything pleases everyone equally. However, everyone can and should set out on the path with hope, because calm people can deal with difficult situations more easily and cope better with the demands of society. Thus, calmly acting people gain more quality of life.