Or is paracetamol better? | Ibuprofen in the nursing period

Or is paracetamol better? Paracetamol belongs to the group of non-acidic analgesics and is chemically classified in the class of aniline derivatives. According to guidelines, paracetamol is the first choice for the drug treatment of pain during pregnancy and lactation. Guidelines are regularly updated recommendations for the treatment of diseases by specialist groups. So if … Or is paracetamol better? | Ibuprofen in the nursing period

Ibuprofen for toothache during lactation | Ibuprofen in the nursing period

Ibuprofen for toothache during lactation Ibuprofen can also be used for toothache and is very effective. Ibuprofen is largely harmless during the breastfeeding period. The dose for toothache also depends on the intensity of the pain. In addition, the anti-inflammatory effect of ibuprofen is used to good effect here, as toothache is often accompanied by … Ibuprofen for toothache during lactation | Ibuprofen in the nursing period

Vaccination against rotavirus

Definition The rotavirus is widespread worldwide and is the most common pathogen causing inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract in children. Due to the high infectiousness and the long survival time of the viruses, for example on toys or door handles, almost all children up to the age of 5 fall ill. The rotavirus is the … Vaccination against rotavirus

What kind of vaccine is used and how expensive is it? | Vaccination against rotavirus

What kind of vaccine is used and how expensive is it? In Germany, two vaccines have been used since 2006, RotaTeq® (Sanofi) on one side and Rotarix® (GlaxoSmithKline) on the other. RotaTeq® contains the strains G1,2,3,4 and 9 and is sold ready for use in a 2ml dose. Vaccination should be started in week 6 … What kind of vaccine is used and how expensive is it? | Vaccination against rotavirus

Side effects of the vaccination | Vaccination against rotavirus

Side effects of the vaccination Common side effects of the vaccination are loss of appetite, vomiting, fever and diarrhoea. These side effects occur in 1 in 200 vaccinated children. Occasionally abdominal pain, flatulence and cold symptoms occur. Rare side effects are skin rashes and blood in the stool. Especially in children with a tendency to … Side effects of the vaccination | Vaccination against rotavirus

Prophylaxis | Bursitis of the knee

Prophylaxis After the bursitis of the knee has healed, it is recommended to do regular stretching and strength exercises to strengthen the muscles. The knee joint is thereby additionally protected and stabilized. In the case of repetitive one-sided activities during work, sports or leisure time, breaks should be taken to relieve the strain and, if … Prophylaxis | Bursitis of the knee

CT abdomen

What is a CT abdomen? CT is the term used to describe what is known as computed tomography. This is a procedure that works with X-rays just like the classical X-ray examination. However, not only one image is taken, but a series of images is taken while the computed tomography scanner rotates around the patient. … CT abdomen

Bursitis of the knee

Definition Bursa sacs are flat, fluid-filled, pillow-like tissue structures that are embedded between hard (e.g. bones) and soft (e.g. muscles) structures. They are located near joints, i.e. in the area of increased mechanical stress, such as the knee. The forces acting on the joints are reduced and damped by the bursae. Thus the knee joint … Bursitis of the knee

Symptoms | Bursitis of the knee

Symptoms An inflammation of the bursa of the knee can go unnoticed for a long time. Initially, those affected only complain of a slightly rubbing or burning sensation in the knee when walking.As the knee is further strained, the symptoms increase over time and the typical signs of inflammation appear. The knee hurts, is reddened, … Symptoms | Bursitis of the knee