Household remedies to treat cystitis

Burning pain when urinating, as well as frequent urination are the typical symptoms of cystitis. This is caused by bacteria rising up the urethra and irritating the mucous membrane in the bladder. Pain in the lower abdomen or lower back and a sometimes bloody discoloration of the urine can also occur. Men are much less … Household remedies to treat cystitis

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Household remedies to treat cystitis

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? How often and for how long the household remedies should be used depends primarily on the symptoms of cystitis. Especially the regular drinking of herbal tea is very important and helpful in the case of cystitis, as a sufficient fluid intake generally contributes to … How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Household remedies to treat cystitis

Which homeopathics can help me? | Household remedies to treat cystitis

Which homeopathics can help me? Numerous homeopathics can help with cystitis. These include Acidum benzoicum, which can be used not only for cystitis but also for kidney stones or gout. It cleans the bladder and can reduce frequent urination. It can be applied with three globules three times a day. Aristolochia is a homeopathic remedy … Which homeopathics can help me? | Household remedies to treat cystitis

I recognize calcification of the coronary arteries by these symptoms | Calcification of the coronary arteries

I recognize calcification of the coronary arteries by these symptoms Calcification of the coronary arteries is a longstanding remodeling process that does not develop acutely. If unhealthy nutrition and lifestyle cause LDL cholesterol to be built into the vessel walls, the person affected does not notice it at first. Only when this remodelling of the … I recognize calcification of the coronary arteries by these symptoms | Calcification of the coronary arteries

How contagious is this? | Calcification of the coronary arteries

How contagious is this? The pure calcification of the coronary arteries is not an infectious disease, but a lengthy process that is mainly influenced by one’s own diet and lifestyle. A slight calcification of the vessels occurs with age in everyone. Nevertheless, genetic predispositions also play a role in the reconstruction of the vessel walls. … How contagious is this? | Calcification of the coronary arteries

Home remedy against a boil

A boil refers to an inflammation in the area of the skin that is located in the area of a hair follicle. Therefore, boils usually appear on particularly hairy parts of the body, for example on the face, buttocks or even on the chest. The inflammation usually shows itself as a small nodular swelling with … Home remedy against a boil

Treatment of the disease only with home remedies or only as supportive therapy? | Home remedy against a boil

Treatment of the disease only with home remedies or only as supportive therapy? A boil is usually self-limiting, which means that it rises within a few days, empties and then heals without consequences, although often scarred. Therefore a treatment of the furuncle can often only be done with home remedies. The most important thing here … Treatment of the disease only with home remedies or only as supportive therapy? | Home remedy against a boil

Which alternative therapy can still help? | Home remedy against a boil

Which alternative therapy can still help? In the case of furuncles, various alternative therapy methods can be used. These include, for example, a change or discontinuation of the diet. This contributes to a reduction of inflammations of the body and at the same time leads to a strengthening of the body’s immune system to defend … Which alternative therapy can still help? | Home remedy against a boil

Retinal Exam

Introduction The examination of the retina not only serves to detect diseases of the eye at an early stage and to regularly monitor their course, but also diseases that can affect the entire body, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, can manifest themselves and be recognized in the eye. Through early detection, possible consequential … Retinal Exam

What are the indications for retinal examination? | Retinal Exam

What are the indications for retinal examination? Indications for an examination of the retina may be Macular diseases like macular holes Glaucoma Macular degeneration Retinal detachment (Ablatio retinae) Diabetic retinopathy Retinopathy pigmentosa (retinal degeneration) Tumor Macular diseases like macular holes Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Retinal detachment (Ablatio retinae) Diabetic Retinopathy Retinopathia Pigmentosa (retinal degeneration) Tumor Is … What are the indications for retinal examination? | Retinal Exam