Phrenic nerve

Overview The phrenic nerve is a bilateral nerve that consists of the cervical nerves C3, C4 and C5. It carries sensitive fibers for the pericardium, pleura and peritoneum as well as motor parts that supply the diaphragm. Due to its function, the phrenic nerve is often associated with hiccups (singultus) and breathing difficulties that can … Phrenic nerve

Therapy options for complaints | Phrenic nerve

Therapy options for complaints If paresis of the phrenic nerve is present, certain breathing exercises can be performed as a therapy against the breathing difficulties, in worse cases artificial respiration is necessary. If there is an inflammatory process behind the paresis, the inflammation can be treated with antibiotics, antivirals, cortisone or plasma separation. If the … Therapy options for complaints | Phrenic nerve

The chest breathing

Definition Chest breathing (thoracic breathing) is a form of external respiration. It is used to exchange breathable air by ventilating the lungs (ventilation). In chest breathing, this ventilation takes place by expanding and contracting the thorax. In this form of breathing, the ribs are visibly raised and lowered, and they also move outwards. Their movements … The chest breathing

Diseases of the chest breathing | The chest breathing

Diseases of the chest breathing Chest breathing can be unnaturally strong or frequent as a result of illness. – If breathing is difficult (dyspnoea), the proportion of thoracic breathing increases and that of abdominal breathing decreases. If breathing is extremely difficult (orthopnea), the respiratory muscles are also used. People who suffer from orthopnea often sit … Diseases of the chest breathing | The chest breathing

What is the difference to abdominal breathing? | The chest breathing

What is the difference to abdominal breathing? A distinction is made between two forms of breathing, thoracic and abdominal breathing. During normal breathing at rest both forms take place. The abdominal breathing predominates. The two types of breathing differ in the muscles involved. Chest breathing is mainly performed by the muscles between the ribs, with … What is the difference to abdominal breathing? | The chest breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing exercises | The diaphragmatic breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing exercises To breathe more consciously with the diaphragm there are some exercises. If possible, find a quiet place to consciously perceive the diaphragmatic breathing. Exercise 1: Lie down flat on the floor or sit upright on a chair, put your hand on your stomach and breathe deeply into your stomach so that you … Diaphragmatic breathing exercises | The diaphragmatic breathing

The diaphragmatic breathing

Introduction Diaphragmatic breathing or synonymously also called “abdominal breathing” is one of two ways of breathing besides chest breathing. Medically, it is not correct to equate diaphragmatic breathing with abdominal breathing, but both terms are used in the same sense. Breathing with the diaphragm is an automatic, unconscious process. You do not have to think … The diaphragmatic breathing