Rectus diastasis exercises

Rectus diastasis is particularly common in women who have had several pregnancies, as the abdominal muscles are repeatedly stretched. Even severe overweight can stretch the abdominal muscles up to rectus diastasis. In most cases, rectus diastasis can be well treated by targeted training of the abdominal muscles. Surgical interventions are rare. You may also be … Rectus diastasis exercises

Rectus diastasis after pregnancy | Rectus diastasis exercises

Rectus diastasis after pregnancy During pregnancy the abdominal muscles are stretched over 9 months to allow room for the growing child. The abdominal muscles become weaker. After delivery, the abdominal muscles do not immediately return to their original position and an existing rectus diastasis occurs. Normally, the rectus diastasis recedes on its own during the … Rectus diastasis after pregnancy | Rectus diastasis exercises

Mustard: Intolerance & Allergy

Mustard is a pungent-tasting condiment made from the seeds of the mustard plant. The mustard seeds can be used as whole grains, as mustard powder or as a seasoning paste. This is what you should know about mustard Mustard is a pungent tasting condiment made from the seeds of the mustard plant. Mustard seeds can … Mustard: Intolerance & Allergy

Tubal Inflammation and Ovarian Inflammation: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Tubal inflammation and ovarian inflammation (medical term: adnexitis) is one of the serious diseases in the gynecological field. Often, the inflammations result from bacterial infections. The disease can be acute or chronic. If left untreated, it can cause major complications, including infertility. What is inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries? The anatomy of the … Tubal Inflammation and Ovarian Inflammation: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Messenger Substances: Structure, Function & Diseases

Messenger substances are signaling substances that serve to transmit signals and information between organisms or between the cells of an organism. In this process, the signaling substances fulfill different functions. Disruptions in signaling within an organism can lead to significant health problems. What are second messengers? Messenger substances represent differently structured chemical substances that transmit … Messenger Substances: Structure, Function & Diseases

Metathalamus: Structure, Function & Diseases

The metathalamus is a component of the diencephalon and participates in visual and auditory information processing]. Lesions in this area of the brain can accordingly cause visual and auditory disorders due to, for example, strokes, [[circulatory disorders]], increased intracranial pressure, neurodegenerative diseases, tumors, and traumatic brain injury. What is the metathalamus? The metathalamus is an … Metathalamus: Structure, Function & Diseases

Music Therapy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Music therapy uses the healing effects of music to alleviate and heal a wide variety of ailments, both physical and psychological. It is a practice-oriented scientific discipline in any form of music therapy. What is music therapy? With the purposeful use of music, whether instrumental, vocal, or other forms of musical performance, the goal is … Music Therapy: Treatment, Effects & Risks