Play Therapy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

For a child, play represents a crucial role in its development. Through games, it is challenged and encouraged, which is why play therapy has been used and developed as a healing approach for various disorders since 1920. Depending on the type of therapy, specific areas are addressed. What is play therapy? Play therapy is a … Play Therapy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Symptoms of a meniscus lesion | Physiotherapy for a meniscus lesion

Symptoms of a meniscus lesion Symptoms of a meniscus lesion are usually more or less pronounced pain. The pain varies depending on the type and cause of the tear. In the case of damage caused by degenerative changes, the lesion often remains undetected due to the less severe pain symptoms, whereas after trauma the pain … Symptoms of a meniscus lesion | Physiotherapy for a meniscus lesion

Power Metabolism: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The power metabolic rate is the total energy consumption of a person within 24 hours minus his basal metabolic rate, which corresponds to the maintenance requirement fasting at rest. Power metabolic rate depends mainly on activity and weight and, like basal metabolic rate, is expressed in kilocalories or kilojoules. Since a direct measurement is associated … Power Metabolism: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Favism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Favism occurs due to a defect in the G6PD gene, which codes for an important enzyme in the human body. The enzyme deficiency leads to anemia and hemolysis and cannot be treated causally. The prognosis is very good if affected individuals avoid triggering substances for life. What is favism? Favism is the pathological course of … Favism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Greig Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Greig syndrome is a medical term for a congenital malformation syndrome associated primarily with facial deformities and multi-jointedness of the fingers and toes. Although the hereditary syndrome cannot be cured, it can be treated surgically. Patients with the mutation-related disease are considered to have an excellent prognosis. What is Greig syndrome? Greig syndrome is also … Greig Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Retinoblastoma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Retinoblastoma is a malignant, mutation-related retinal tumor that occurs primarily in young children and affects both sexes with equal frequency. If diagnosed early and therapy is started, retinoblastoma is curable in most cases (about 97 percent). What is retinoblastoma? Retinoblastoma (also glioma retinae, neuroblastoma retinae) is a malignant (malignant) retinal tumor that usually occurs in … Retinoblastoma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment