Digestive System (Human)

What is the digestive system? Humans and animals must digest the food they eat in order to utilize it. The digestive system takes care of this. There, the ingested food is gradually broken down and digested enzymatically. The required nutrients are absorbed into the blood, and the unusable components are excreted. Digestive tract Digestive secretions … Digestive System (Human)

Internal organs

Introduction The term “internal organs” is generally used to refer to the organs located in the thoracic and abdominal cavity. Thus organs of the: Internal organs do not work independently of each other, but belong to an organ system. For example, the intestine, liver and pancreas, as the so-called digestive system, jointly process food. The … Internal organs

Digestive System | Internal organs

Digestive System The digestive system contains the internal organs that serve to absorb, break down and transport food.In addition, the internal organs of the digestive tract digest food and make the nutrients contained therein available to the body. The organs of the digestive system are the oral cavity, throat, esophagus, gastrointestinal tract, liver with bile … Digestive System | Internal organs