Dizziness when lying down

Introduction Vertigo is one of the more common medical concerns. About one in ten patients who consult their family doctor complains about it. The causes, on the other hand, can be of an extremely diverse nature. The relevant factors in determining the cause are the medical history, when the dizziness occurs and in what form … Dizziness when lying down

Duration vs. prognosis of dizziness when lying down | Dizziness when lying down

Duration vs. prognosis of dizziness when lying down The prognosis of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is, as the name (benigne = benign) suggests, extremely good. The cause of this dizziness lies in the disturbance of one of the two organs of equilibrium. The organ of equilibrium contains so-called archways in which a fluid can move. … Duration vs. prognosis of dizziness when lying down | Dizziness when lying down