Recognizing hearing loss in children – Can my child hear properly?

Definition In order for a child to develop according to its age and learn to speak correctly, intact hearing is extremely important. Temporary hearing loss, for example due to infections, is very common. However, 2-3 out of every 1000 children are born with a hearing impairment in need of treatment. Since untreated hearing disorders have … Recognizing hearing loss in children – Can my child hear properly?

TreatmentTherapy | Recognizing hearing loss in children – Can my child hear properly?

TreatmentTherapy It is important to treat hearing disorders at an early stage to prevent possible developmental disorders. The treatment depends on the type of disease. If the tuba auditiva is closed, an attempt must be made to open it. Enlarged pharyngeal tonsils are removed, a cold or middle ear infection is treated.If these measures are … TreatmentTherapy | Recognizing hearing loss in children – Can my child hear properly?

Types of hearing aids

Synonyms Hearing aid, hearing system, hearing glasses, cochlear implant, CI, in-the-ear hearing system, in-the-ear, RIC hearing system, behind-the-ear device, BTE, hearing machine, ear trumpet, concha hearing system, Micro-CiC, noise device, tinnitus noiser, tinnitus masker, receiver-in-canal, tinnitus control instrument Hearing aids Listen to Ear Anatomy Ear Inner Ear Outer ear Middle Ear Earache Hearing loss in … Types of hearing aids

Inflammation of the middle ear in babies – How to recognize and treat it?

Definition Inflammation of the middle ear (Otitis media) is not uncommon in children. Most children contract it once during the first three to six years of life. The middle ear is an air-filled cavity in the skull bone, where the ossicles are located. These are important for the transmission of sound to the inner ear, … Inflammation of the middle ear in babies – How to recognize and treat it?

How can I detect middle ear infection in my baby? | Inflammation of the middle ear in babies – How to recognize and treat it?

How can I detect middle ear infection in my baby? Otitis media is sometimes not easy to detect, especially in very young children and babies. It depends very much on how advanced and pronounced the inflammation is. If the inflammation is severe, the child can be in very severe pain, which can manifest itself in … How can I detect middle ear infection in my baby? | Inflammation of the middle ear in babies – How to recognize and treat it?

Fever as an accompanying symptom | Inflammation of the middle ear in babies – How to recognize and treat it?

Fever as an accompanying symptom Fever as a side effect of an inflammation of the middle ear is not an illness in itself. It is a sign that the body reacts to foreign pathogens and tries to kill them. The high temperatures mean that the body’s defenses function better and that the viruses and bacteria … Fever as an accompanying symptom | Inflammation of the middle ear in babies – How to recognize and treat it?

When does my baby need antibiotics? | Inflammation of the middle ear in babies – How to recognize and treat it?

When does my baby need antibiotics? In the past, antibiotics were often used directly as standard for middle ear infections. In addition to the knowledge about antibiotic resistance in “overuse”, it has been observed that the harmless inflammation often heals by itself within a few days. For this reason, the direct administration of antibiotics is … When does my baby need antibiotics? | Inflammation of the middle ear in babies – How to recognize and treat it?

Duration | Inflammation of the middle ear in babies – How to recognize and treat it?

Duration Depending on how severe the infection is and how early the parents notice the symptoms, how early they take the child to the doctor and whether direct treatment is given, the duration of the middle ear infection can vary. If the disease and its symptoms are diagnosed and treated early enough, acute otitis media … Duration | Inflammation of the middle ear in babies – How to recognize and treat it?

Is otitis media contagious in babies? | Inflammation of the middle ear in babies – How to recognize and treat it?

Is otitis media contagious in babies? A normal cold is contagious.This is a droplet infection, it is transmitted by skin contact or via the air. The otitis media that develops as a result, especially if it has been treated with antibiotics, is no longer contagious. If a child infects another child with a cold, it … Is otitis media contagious in babies? | Inflammation of the middle ear in babies – How to recognize and treat it?

Home remedy for earache

Overview – What household remedies are available? For the independent treatment of ear pain vegetable means are suitable only conditionally. Besides it is to be always weighed in individual cases, which household remedy can be meaningfully used. In any case however the arbitrary treatment with vegetable means may not replace a medical examination. The symptom … Home remedy for earache