Home remedy for earache

Overview – What household remedies are available?

For the independent treatment of ear pain vegetable means are suitable only conditionally. Besides it is to be always weighed in individual cases, which household remedy can be meaningfully used. In any case however the arbitrary treatment with vegetable means may not replace a medical examination.

The symptom ear pain can be present with a large range of illnesses. A doctor should always assess the cause of the pain and whether all structures in the ear are still intact. The basic principle is that no fluid should be introduced into the ear.

There is simply too great a risk that fluid will enter the middle ear through a damaged eardrum. The effect can range from an inflammation to damage to the ossicles. Only layers in the form of onion or potato bags can be placed on the outer ear.

Only absorbent cotton should be placed directly into the external auditory canal. Within this framework, care should always be taken to ensure an optimal fit and a loose seal of the auditory canal. Anti-inflammatory and decongestant household remedies should also be used preferably for earaches.

Thus garlic and onions with their antibacterial effect and saline solution with its decongestant effect are good for healing. However, they do not offer an optimal elimination of the cause and do not protect against the recurrence of earache. Old-fashioned household remedies such as olive or tea tree oil should even be avoided because of their allergenic potential and their oily consistency.

Olive oil

From a medical point of view, the use of olive oil in the ear is not recommended. Every herbal oil contains ingredients that can lead to an allergic reaction. The effect would be a worsening of symptoms with increasing ear pain.

Contrary to other vegetable household remedies such as onions or garlic olive oil has also almost no disinfecting effect. The application promises thus no anti-inflammatory effect. The only possibility to use olive oil for the therapy of ear pain is a dry skin behind the ear.

A dried out, scaly skin can win again at elasticity and suppleness with the help of oil. The fat particles protect the skin from further drying out, as they can easily seal the upper layer of skin. This makes it more difficult for pathogens to penetrate a damaged skin barrier. All other causes of earache should be treated with medication or supportive herbal remedies.