Implementation | Streptococcus Rapid Test


The rapid test includes a cassette with integrated membrane. It is coated with rabbit anti-Strep-A antibodies in the test line region and with goat antirabbit antibodies in the control line region. In addition, a pad containing color-coded, gold-conjugated, polyclonal rabbit anti-Strep-A antibodies is located at the beginning of the membrane.

First, any Strep A antigens present are removed from the throat swab sample using Extraction Reagents 1 and 2. This swab is then added to the test. In the presence of a Streptococcal A infection, the sample migrates to the anti-Strep A antibodies in the test line region and this region turns pink.

If the test result is negative, this color reaction will not occur. Regardless of the presence of Strep A infection, and therefore Strep A antigens in the throat swab specimen, the control line will also turn pink. The formation of this control line makes the test valid. Normally, the test result can be read within 8 minutes.


A positive test result indicates an infection with beta-hemolytic Streptococcus type A. However, this is not yet proof. To prove an infection, a bacterial culture must be prepared, in which the bacteria are first multiplied and then analyzed or identified. A negative test result usually indicates that there is no actual streptococcal A infection, but nevertheless an infection should not be completely excluded. A negative test result can also occur if the concentration of the bacteria is below the detection threshold of the test system.

How reliable is the test?

It takes only a few minutes to perform a rapid test for Strep A infection. After applying the swab specimen to the test device, the test result should be read within 8 minutes. The test should not be read after more than 10 minutes.


The costs for the purchase of a Streptococcus A rapid test are between 15 Euro to 30 Euro.

Does the health insurance cover it?

These tests are not a service of the public health insurance, so they have to be paid privately.