Bone Marrow Aspiration: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Bone marrow aspiration is performed to obtain biopsy marrow to diagnose hematologic diseases such as leukemia, malignant lymphoma, or plamacytoma. Before transfusion of blood products (bone marrow donation), the donor’s bone marrow is tested for compatibility. What is bone marrow aspiration? A bone marrow aspiration is performed to obtain biopsy marrow to diagnose hematologic diseases … Bone Marrow Aspiration: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Follitropin Beta

Products Follitropin beta is commercially available as a solution for injection (Puregon). It has been approved in many countries since 2001. Structure and properties Follitropin beta is a recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) produced by biotechnological methods. The amino acid sequence corresponds to human FSH. It differs from follitropin alfa in glycosylation. FSH is a … Follitropin Beta


Products Heparin–Calcium is commercially available as an injectable (Calciparine). It has been approved in many countries since 1973. Structure and properties Heparin calcium is the calcium salt of a sulfated glycosaminoglycan found in mammalian tissues. It is derived from the intestinal mucosa of pigs. Heparin calcium exists as a white powder that is readily soluble … Heparin-Calcium


Definition A puncture is a generic term for a variety of medical procedures. In most cases, a thin hollow needle or an appropriate instrument is used to puncture an organ, a body cavity or a blood vessel and either tissue or fluid is removed. A puncture can be used for diagnostic purposes, for example a … Puncture

Risks of the procedure | Puncture

Risks of the procedure The general risks associated with any type of puncture include bleeding, infection and injury to organs, nerves or blood vessels. In addition, the puncture site can also cause severe pain. These risks vary depending on where the puncture is performed. In the case of a superficial puncture such as taking blood … Risks of the procedure | Puncture

Special punctures | Puncture

Special punctures A puncture of the knee joint may be indicated for two different reasons. On the one hand, to drain a possible joint effusion and to examine it if necessary. Whether this is clear, purulent or rather bloody can provide important information about the cause and thus enable a targeted treatment. Pain can be … Special punctures | Puncture

Splint for a torn inner ligament of the knee

Introduction A torn inner ligament in the knee joint usually requires splinting of this joint to stabilize it. This type of injury usually occurs during sports activities in combination with excessive movement of the knee joint. Splint as therapy concept for torn inner ligament of the knee If no other structures in the knee are … Splint for a torn inner ligament of the knee

Orthosis | Splint for a torn inner ligament of the knee

Orthosis A knee orthosis is an aid in the form of an individually adapted support that serves to immobilize, relieve and stabilize joints. It is usually prescribed by a doctor, for example in the case of a torn inner ligament, and is manufactured and individually adjusted by an orthopedic technician. On the one hand, in … Orthosis | Splint for a torn inner ligament of the knee

Bruises: Causes, Treatment & Help

Boxing is a tough sport, which is not only felt by the opponents in the ring, but the spectators often get to see. Some rights leave clear marks on the face of the opponent, which are visible there for days as bruises. We all know such skin discolorations. They occur easily when you bump the … Bruises: Causes, Treatment & Help

Capsule rupture

Introduction Each joint is surrounded by a joint capsule. Particularly during sports, incorrect movements, falls or impacts on a joint can cause the capsule to tear. Fingers and toes are mainly affected, but also the knee and the ankle joint often suffer a rupture of the capsule. General information on capsule rupture Each joint is … Capsule rupture