Everyday Aids for the Elderly

When mobility and senses decline in old age, special everyday aids can compensate for this. Many are already practical for younger people. Only a few of the 50- to 80-year-olds have no significant problems in handling household objects. Many older people are in danger of failing with can openers, some are in constant conflict with … Everyday Aids for the Elderly

Everyday Aids for the Elderly: Big Help, Small Price

Also indispensable for functioning communication: good hearing. Here, hearing aid acousticians report progress through tiny devices. Digital technology also makes it possible to better distinguish between speech and distracting ambient noise. Small aids – big impact From stocking (pants) tighteners to non-slip illuminated bedside table coasters, there are countless small and also affordable helpers. Here … Everyday Aids for the Elderly: Big Help, Small Price


Introduction Dehydration describes a lack of fluid in the body. Particularly in older people it is often caused by insufficient drinking quantities, but dehydration in children is also not uncommon due to frequent gastrointestinal infections and fever. The lack of fluid can also lead to electrolyte disorders and in the worst case to dehydration of … Dehydration

Complications | Dehydration

Complications If the replacement of the fluid is started at the first signs of dehydration, no further consequences are usually to be expected and the person concerned is then fully able to perform again. However, if the administration of fluid is not initiated in time, this can lead to dehydration (desiccosis) of the body. This … Complications | Dehydration

Too Little Fluid in the Elderly

What do you do when you’re thirsty? Simple question, easy answer: drink something. But what if your body needs water without signaling it? This is the case for many older people – whether they live at home or in an elder care facility. Lack of fluids in old age Dry mouth, dry mucous membranes or … Too Little Fluid in the Elderly

Zostavax® vaccination against shingles

Introduction – What is a Zostavax® vaccination? The Zostavax® vaccination is a vaccine approved in 2006 and available in Germany since 2013. It is intended to prevent the development of a girdle-rose (Herpes Zoster infection). In Germany, vaccination against Varicella zoster (chickenpox) in children has been recommended since 2004. The Zostavax® vaccination is aimed at … Zostavax® vaccination against shingles

What effect can be expected? | Zostavax® vaccination against shingles

What effect can be expected? The active ingredient in the Zostavax® vaccine is live Varicella zoster pathogens. These are no longer capable of causing an infection. These are attenuated forms of the pathogens – so-called attenuated pathogens. However, in persons whose immune system is no longer adequately functional, this live vaccine could lead to the … What effect can be expected? | Zostavax® vaccination against shingles

Dosage of the vaccine | Zostavax® vaccination against shingles

Dosage of the vaccine The dosage is specified by the manufacturer. The inoculation solution (0.65ml) is available on the market as a ready-made solution or powder. It contains at least 19. 400 PBE (plaque forming units). This means the number of effective or active pathogens. The concentration in the Zostavax® vaccine is up to 14 … Dosage of the vaccine | Zostavax® vaccination against shingles