Treatment of laryngeal pain


There are many different ways to treat pain in the larynx. They are usually caused by an acute irritation (for example by pollutants or dry, dusty air) or an acute inflammation (usually caused by viruses). Since these conditions are usually harmless and heal by themselves, treatment can often be carried out independently at home. However, if complications such as shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing or fever arise, or if the symptoms persist for a long time without improving, one should always consult a (ear, nose and throat) doctor to rule out certain diseases and prevent a chronification of the symptoms.

Household remedy for throat pain

The most important measure in the treatment of laryngeal pain is a change in behaviour. One should refrain from any kind of speaking and especially whispering as far as possible. In addition, irritating substances such as alcohol, tobacco smoke, dry air, dust or pungent spices must be avoided at all costs.

The most effective and most frequently used household remedy against throat pain is steam inhalation. The steam is enriched with essential oils such as peppermint, sage or eucalyptus oil, which have an anti-irritant, painful and anti-inflammatory effect. Instead of steam, these substances can also be supplied in the form of sweets or tea and thus also develop their effect.

It is particularly important in all cases to keep the throat and larynx moist, as the pain is often triggered or at least intensified by dryness. Hot compresses on the neck, for example with potatoes, can also lead to an improvement of the pain. Some sufferers reach for homeopathic remedies as the next step before they begin conventional medical treatment. However, in order to achieve success through homeopathic treatment, it is important to find the remedy that suits the individual, which is then administered in the form of drops, globules (small balls) or tablets. All these forms of administration should be kept in the mouth for a certain period of time before swallowing to increase the effect, as they can then be absorbed through the mucous membrane.