I can tell by these symptoms that my baby gets herpes | Herpes in babies – How dangerous is it?

I can tell by these symptoms that my baby gets herpes The occurrence of herpes in babies is usually not as clear-cut as in adults. Although children may have the typical herpes blisters in the corners of the mouth and around the mouth, they may also have other symptoms. For example, an inflamed, slightly runny … I can tell by these symptoms that my baby gets herpes | Herpes in babies – How dangerous is it?

Duration and prognosis | Herpes in babies – How dangerous is it?

Duration and prognosis The duration of herpes symptoms depends on age and whether the virus is newly infected or reactivated. An initial infection accompanied by mild fever and fatigue usually subsides within two weeks. In severe forms or complications such as herpes encephalitis, the duration can vary greatly. Later on, the herpes usually only reactivates, … Duration and prognosis | Herpes in babies – How dangerous is it?

What is the nest protection? | Herpes in babies – How dangerous is it?

What is the nest protection? So-called nest protection describes the fact that newborns and babies are relatively insusceptible to diseases in their first months of life, as they have had part of the maternal immune system transferred. During pregnancy, certain antibodies of the child’s mother can also enter the baby’s physical bloodstream with the help … What is the nest protection? | Herpes in babies – How dangerous is it?


Definition Meningoencephalitis is a combined inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) and its meninges (meningitis). Meningoencephalitis partly combines the symptoms of the two inflammatory diseases and is caused by various pathogens. Most often, viruses are responsible for the disease. Especially people with a weakened immune system can fall ill with severe meningoencephalitis. In some cases, severe … Meningoencephalitis

Therapy of meningoencephalitis | Meningoencephalitis

Therapy of meningoencephalitis In the therapy of meningoencephalitis, which is mostly caused by a virus, the treating physician has only a few drugs at his disposal. Since there are only a few drugs that are effective against viruses (antiviral), most viral infections must be eliminated. Only a symptomatic treatment is recommended. In case of meningoencephalitis … Therapy of meningoencephalitis | Meningoencephalitis

What types of meningoencephalitis are there? | Meningoencephalitis

What types of meningoencephalitis are there? Meningoencephalitis herpetica is the inflammation of the brain caused by Herpes simplex virus I. Approximately 90% of the population carries the Herpes simplex virus I and many have experienced it at least once through lip herpes. If a person is infected with the virus, they are lifelong carriers of … What types of meningoencephalitis are there? | Meningoencephalitis

Chronic lymphocytic meningitis or (meningo-) encephalitis | Non-purulent meningitis

Chronic lymphocytic meningitis or (meningo-) encephalitis The pathogens of this form of meningitis are usually not viruses, but apart from Lyme disease, they frequently occur in poor countries, in HIV-infected persons and other patients with weakened immune system and show themselves with a slow reduction of personality, disturbances of attention and memory and increasing neurological … Chronic lymphocytic meningitis or (meningo-) encephalitis | Non-purulent meningitis

Non-purulent meningitis

Synonyms in a broader sense Meningitis, Meningitis serosa, Meningoencephalitis Medical: Menigitis serosa General Information General information on the topic (What is menigitis?) can be found under our topic: Meningitis Definition The term meningitis (inflammation of the meninges) describes an inflammation (-itis) of the meninges (meninges), which can be caused by very different pathogens. There are … Non-purulent meningitis

Vaccination against Japanese Encephalitis

Introduction Japanese Encephalitis is a rare tropical disease. It is caused by viruses that are transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. The disease occurs seasonally, especially in the rainy season, in Southeast Asia. Since 2009, a new inactivated vaccine against Japanese Encephalitis is available in Europe. The vaccine against Japanese Encephalitis contains killed, i.e. inactivated, viruses. … Vaccination against Japanese Encephalitis

Who bears the costs of the vaccination? | Vaccination against Japanese Encephalitis

Who bears the costs of the vaccination? As this is a travel vaccination, the patient must first pay the costs for the vaccine and the inoculation. However, it is worth asking your own health insurance company. Many statutory health insurance companies now at least partially reimburse the costs, even if it is a private urlaufsaufenthalt. … Who bears the costs of the vaccination? | Vaccination against Japanese Encephalitis

Duration of the vaccination and refreshment | Vaccination against Japanese Encephalitis

Duration of the vaccination and refreshment In order to have complete protection against Japanese Encephalitis, two vaccinations are required at intervals of 4 weeks. Only 7 to 14 days after the second vaccination is complete protection guaranteed. Once this basic immunization is complete, a booster vaccination (1 dose) must only be given again after 3 … Duration of the vaccination and refreshment | Vaccination against Japanese Encephalitis