What are Essential Amino Acids?

Food not only serves to satisfy the human hunger pangs, but also provides the body with essential amino acids that are vital for life. Therefore, the choice of food is crucial to ensure that all the required amino acids are actually supplied. Essential amino acids and their properties Isoleucine can provide various messengers to the … What are Essential Amino Acids?

Almonds: Healthy in Moderation

The smell of roasted almonds is inseparable from the Advent season: Roasted almonds are a winter classic that no Christmas market should be without. However, roasted almonds – just like almonds in general – contain many calories and should only be consumed in moderation. In small quantities, almonds are even healthy, as they have some … Almonds: Healthy in Moderation

Aromatherapy: Healing Through Oils

A smell can take us back to old times and awaken memories that trigger feelings of happiness. Influenced specifically by scents, the sense of smell promotes well-being and health. Essential oils are the messengers in this process. Most people appreciate the soothing scent of lavender or a massage with lemon balm oil. Many confirm the … Aromatherapy: Healing Through Oils

Insect Repellent: What Helps?

Only when it is too late do we notice it: an insect has stung us. With their proboscis complete with pinching tool, they penetrate the skin and secrete anesthetic substances. After successfully drawing blood, the insects chase away again. To find their target – humans – insects use a very complex interplay of smell, warmth … Insect Repellent: What Helps?

Does Aromatherapy Work

The knowledge about the healing power of herbs is old. Since a distillation device made of clay was found in a 5,000-year-old Pakistani tomb, it has been known that essential oils were already being produced from herbs back then – perhaps even for medicinal purposes as in aromatherapy today. Aromatherapy with essential oils got its … Does Aromatherapy Work

Oregano: Spice with Healing Properties

Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is nowadays commonly known as “pizza spice“. It is impossible to imagine modern cuisine without this tangy, aromatic herb, although this plant has only been used for seasoning for about 200 years. As a remedy, however, oregano was already used by the ancient Greeks, which is why its name comes from the … Oregano: Spice with Healing Properties

Rosemary: the “Dew of the Sea”

Already in ancient times, the aromatic fragrant rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) was used in the Mediterranean region. It was dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite and symbolized love and beauty. The name of rosemary is derived from the Latin “ros marinus” and means “dew of the sea”. Through Charlemagne, this herb reached Germany in the Middle Ages … Rosemary: the “Dew of the Sea”

Homemade Herb Oils and Spice Oils

Actually, it’s always a good time to make an herb oil! Garden herbs such as rosemary, basil, mint, parsley and fennel, for example, are now available fresh all year round and waiting to be harvested. Making herb oils and spice oils is easy. Nature does the main work anyway – you just have to be … Homemade Herb Oils and Spice Oils