Dead Space Ventilation: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Pulmonary respiration-also called ventilation-is composed of two components: alveolar ventilation and dead space ventilation. Dead space ventilation is the portion of the respiratory volume that is not involved in the exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) for oxygen (O2). Dead space ventilation occurs because the volume of air that is in the upstream system of the … Dead Space Ventilation: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Retraction Force: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The term retraction force refers primarily to the lungs or thorax and means their tendency to contract when stretched, creating the intrathoracic negative pressure. Lungs get their retraction force from elastic fibers and surface tension of alveoli. The retraction force of the lungs is crucial for respiration, especially in the sense of expiration. What is … Retraction Force: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Inspiratory Reserve Volume: Function, Role & Diseases

Inspiratory reserve volume represents the air that a patient can take in after normal inspiration during forced breathing. Together with expiratory reserve volume and respiratory volume, inspiratory reserve volume gives vital capacity. Lung volumes are measured in spirometry. What is the inspiratory reserve volume? Inspiratory reserve volume refers to inspiration and corresponds to the volume … Inspiratory Reserve Volume: Function, Role & Diseases

Vital Capacity: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Vital capacity is a parameter of spirometry. It provides information about lung function during inhalation and exhalation. If expiratory vital capacity is significantly different from inspiratory vital capacity, lung disease is probably present. What is vital capacity Vital capacity is a parameter of spirometry. It provides information about lung function during inhalation and exhalation. Spirometry … Vital Capacity: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Sneezing Reflex: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The sneezing reflex is one of the protective reflexes and corresponds to a “fake” foreign reflex. Sneezing clears the upper airways of nasal secretions and foreign-body substances to ensure free breathing. Disturbances of the sneezing reflex occur mainly after damage to the nervous tissue involved peripherally and centrally, which includes the respiratory and gustatory centers … Sneezing Reflex: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Production of Medicines in the Pharmacy

Classification according to PH Production Ad hoc manufacturing Manufacture according to prefecture Classification according to the Therapeutic Products Act Magistral prescriptions (Formula magistralis): individual preparation of drugs on a doctor’s prescription. Formula officinalis: Production of medicines for the clientele according to official formulas. House specialties: Manufacture of medicines for clientele according to their own formula. … Production of Medicines in the Pharmacy