Exercises for Piriformis Syndrome

In order to get the pain under control and to release the tension of the piriformis muscle as well as to eliminate it in the long run, there are numerous stretching, strengthening and mobilization exercises. These exercises are usually relatively simple and can be performed by the patient at home after initial instruction. In order … Exercises for Piriformis Syndrome

Physiotherapy | Exercises for Piriformis Syndrome

Physiotherapy Physiotherapy is also a good treatment for Piriformis Syndrome. Since the problems are caused by muscular problems, the treating physiotherapist has a number of therapeutic approaches to address the problem. These include, for example, relaxing the muscles by massaging or stimulating so-called trigger points. Specially trained physiotherapists can also try to positively influence the … Physiotherapy | Exercises for Piriformis Syndrome

3 exercise

“Stretch Quadriceps” Stand on one leg. Grasp the other ankle and pull the heel towards the buttocks. The upper body is upright and the hip pushes forward. For a better balance fix a point on the floor. Hold the stretch for about 10 seconds and then change the leg. After that another pass per leg … 3 exercise

4 Exercise

“Striking out” In this exercise, adhesives are “rolled out”. To treat the left knee, lie on your left side in lateral position. The right leg is placed on the floor behind the left leg for stabilization. Now the outside of the knee is placed on the roll and “rolled out”. This can be a bit … 4 Exercise

5 exercise

“Sitting knee extension” You sit on the floor and adjust your knees. A lower leg is stretched without the knee sagging. Both knees remain at the same level during the exercise. To strengthen the medial parts, the foot is stretched with the inner edge upwards. Do the whole thing 15 times in 3 sets per … 5 exercise

2 exercise

“Hammer” From the long seat, press the back of your knee into the pad so that the heel (clenched toes) slightly lifts off the floor. The thigh remains on the floor. The movement comes only from the knee joint not from the hip! If the knee joint does not provide sufficient extension, the exercise can … 2 exercise

Physiotherapy | Morbus Ledderhose – exercises

Physiotherapy Ledderhose disease is a chronic disease that cannot be cured by physiotherapy. However, various measures can be taken to influence the symptoms caused by the contracture, as well as the course and subsequent symptoms. The formation of nodules in the tissue of the plantar fascia causes various symptoms. The tendon becomes more inelastic, which … Physiotherapy | Morbus Ledderhose – exercises