
Synonyms Latin: adducere Adduction Adduction is the countermovement of abduction. Here, the arms or legs removed from the body are brought up to the body. In our example, an adduction of the stretched arms takes place in the shoulder joint. You can find another example of adduction in the shoulder joint here. Example Butterfly Adductor … Adduction

Other physiotherapeutic methods | Exercises for Dupuytren’s disease

Other physiotherapeutic methods Even with Dupuytren’s disease, everyday activities can be taken up. Therefore, the aim of physiotherapy is to promote and maintain the mobility and elasticity of the connective tissue and muscles. With the independent execution of exercises, can be practiced actively against the restriction of the fingers. All articles in this series: Exercises … Other physiotherapeutic methods | Exercises for Dupuytren’s disease


Synonyms: anteversio Anteversion The anteversion is the forward leading of the stretched or bent arms/legs. Combined means the anteversion from the Latin ante (in front) and vertere (turning/turning). In the picture, an anteversion of the stretched arm in the shoulder joint is shown. This results in a contraction of the anterior shoulder muscle. A shot … Anteversion

Heredity as the cause of Dupuytren’s disease | Causes of Dupuytren’s disease

Heredity as the cause of Dupuytren’s disease A genetic component is also discussed in the explanation of the cause of Dupuytren’s disease, as an accumulation of the disease’s development within the family has been observed. According to current scientific knowledge, the so-called “WNT signaling pathway” should play a role here. This is a sequence of … Heredity as the cause of Dupuytren’s disease | Causes of Dupuytren’s disease

Epilepsy as the cause of Dupuytren’s disease | Causes of Dupuytren’s disease

Epilepsy as the cause of Dupuytren’s disease Like diabetes, epilepsy is one of the associated diseases of Dupuytren’s disease. The correlation of the two diseases was first recognized in the 1940s and has been part of research ever since. The rate of new cases of Dupuytren’s contracture in epileptics can be up to 57%. There … Epilepsy as the cause of Dupuytren’s disease | Causes of Dupuytren’s disease