Westphal-Piltz Phenomenon: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Westphal-Piltz phenomenon is a lid closure reaction in which the pupils of the eyes contract. It occurs together with Bell’s phenomenon and is used for differential diagnosis in pupillary motor disorders. What is Westphal-Piltz phenomenon? Westphal-Piltz phenomenon is a lid closure reaction in which the pupils of the eyes decrease in size. Westphal-Piltz phenomenon characterizes … Westphal-Piltz Phenomenon: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Canthoplasty: Treatment, Effect & Risks

People who are dissatisfied with their external appearance often seek the practice of a plastic and aesthetic surgeon. Cosmetic surgery is intended to help them increase their attractiveness to other people, especially the opposite sex. Canthoplasties are most often performed in conjunction with eyelid lifts. The patients are women who want to give their eyes … Canthoplasty: Treatment, Effect & Risks