Blood Coagulation

Introduction Blood is responsible in our body for, among other things, the exchange and transport of oxygen, the supply of nutrients to the tissues and organs and the transfer of heat. It circulates constantly through the body. Since it is liquid, there must be a way to stop the blood flow at the site of … Blood Coagulation

Influence of medication on blood coagulation | Blood Coagulation

Influence of medication on blood coagulation Blood clotting can be influenced by various drugs. First of all, there are two large groups of drugs that are used specifically to influence coagulation. On the one hand there are anticoagulant drugs. They are also called anticoagulants. These include vitamin K antagonists (Marcumar®), aspirin and heparins. They delay … Influence of medication on blood coagulation | Blood Coagulation

How often is breast cancer inherited? | Causes for breast cancer

How often is breast cancer inherited? In most cases, women suffering from breast cancer are not based on hereditary components. The proportion of BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation-induced breast cancer cases is as high as one in 10 women with breast cancer. Since men fall ill much less frequently, the data situation here is uncertain. However, … How often is breast cancer inherited? | Causes for breast cancer

Protective factors for breast cancer | Causes for breast cancer

Protective factors for breast cancer In addition to many circumstances that can promote the development of breast cancer, there are also protective factors. These include a healthy lifestyle such as abstinence from alcohol and cigarettes and above all the reduction of body fat to a healthy level through diet and exercise. Pregnancies are also among … Protective factors for breast cancer | Causes for breast cancer

What role does obesity play? | Causes for breast cancer

What role does obesity play? Too much adipose tissue can also be a risk, since precursors of estrogen are converted into it in the fat cells, and therefore higher levels of the hormones that promote breast cancer may be present in obese patients. What role does dense breast tissue play? Dense breast tissue occurs in … What role does obesity play? | Causes for breast cancer