
Introduction Fascial roles are becoming more and more popular. This is mainly due to their simple and quick application, which is also possible in principle at any time and place. It is hardly surprising that they are so popular in a society in which people are increasingly suffering from back problems and muscle tension at … Blackroll

Orange Series | Blackroll

Orange Series The Orange series from the Blackroll manufacturers represents just one of the many variations of the popular Fascia foam rolls. It is rather difficult to gain an overview of the different products and their different, advantages and disadvantages, as there are no uniform comparative values regarding the degree of hardness of fascia rolls. … Orange Series | Blackroll

Exercises for the back | Blackroll

Exercises for the back Just like the cervical spine, or rather the neck, the rest of the spine has to withstand enormous strain every day. In combination with an unhealthy posture and untrained trunk muscles, this often leads to muscle tension and back pain. First and foremost, this should be counteracted by appropriate training of … Exercises for the back | Blackroll