Moderate strength training on training equipment | Fibromyalgia: Activity

Moderate strength training on training equipment Although this form of physical exercise requires special caution, it is the most effective method of improving the physical performance of the fibromyalgia patient and should be performed 2-3 times/week depending on the response to the training. Therefore, especially at the beginning of strength and endurance training, it is … Moderate strength training on training equipment | Fibromyalgia: Activity

Fibromyalgia: Relaxation techniques | Fibromyalgia: Activity

Fibromyalgia: Relaxation techniques At the beginning of the active therapy there is the learning of procedures that bring about the conscious relaxation of the muscles (there is a generalized increased tension of the muscles in fibromyalgia = muscle hypertension) and reduce the psychological tension. There are many different procedures available, which each person affected should … Fibromyalgia: Relaxation techniques | Fibromyalgia: Activity

Therapy of fibromyalgia

Note This topic is the continuation of our topic fibromyalgia. Treatment So far, there is no causal (concerning the cause), but a purely symptomatic (aims at reducing or eliminating symptoms) therapy. There is a risk of medication misuse and consequential damage caused by long-term medication. A comprehensive = multimodal treatment concept is crucial as with … Therapy of fibromyalgia

Acupuncture | Therapy of fibromyalgia

Acupuncture According to the diagnostic criteria from Chinese medicine (acupuncture), fibromyalgia patients often have a weakness of Yin (normally Yin = the substance and Yan = the function are in balance), which leads to an overactivity of Yang ́s. Typical symptoms of Yin weakness in fibromyalgia are: The therapeutic principle of acupuncture for fibromyalgia is … Acupuncture | Therapy of fibromyalgia