Rosacea: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Under the medical term rosacea, or rosacea, is understood, translated into German, the clinical picture of the so-called copper fin. Generally, more women than men are affected, as well as older rather than younger people.

What is rosacea (rosacea)?

Rosacea, in German “Kupferfinne”, is a skin disease in the area of the face, which is often associated with redness, pustules and pustules at an advanced age (often from the age of 40 / 50). These can be triggered by food, cosmetics, stress and environmental factors, among others, and can be treated by means of certain behaviors, creams and tablets. The first signs include slight redness in the facial area, especially in the forehead, cheeks, nostrils and chin. Characteristic of this disease is that often both halves of the face are affected, often even symmetrically.


The causes of rosacea are not yet clearly understood. Scientists suspect on the one hand, that a regulatory disorder in the skin circulation in the facial area and on the other hand consumer goods, such as coffee, tea, spicy food, or alcohol could be the triggers. In addition, there are factors such as strong temperature fluctuations, cosmetics, or stress. Cosmetic products are especially those that contain alcohol, menthol, oils, and perfume. This could be a possible reason why especially women are more often affected by rosacea than men. According to statistics, they often suffer from stress and try to treat small blemishes with creams and various other cosmetic products. Furthermore, it should be mentioned that rosacea is not a hereditary disease and it is not transmissible.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

Depending on the manifestation, different forms as well as different stages of development of rosacea are distinguished. Initially, the disease almost always appears only on the face and here especially on the nose and forehead, as well as on the cheeks and chin. The area immediately around the eyes and mouth is usually left out. Neck and décolleté are affected only later. Characteristic of rosacea in the early stages are skin redness and dilated vessels. Patients experience a burning or stabbing pain and sometimes severe itching. In the early stages, these manifestations subside after a few days, but the symptoms return. If the disease progresses, rosacea papulopustulosa usually forms in the next stage. The redness slowly begins to turn blue, in addition, vasodilatation, nodules and, in many patients, pustules form. At this stage, the disease is often mistaken for acne, which it closely resembles in appearance. The affected skin areas become increasingly sensitive and react allergically to care products and cosmetics. If rosacea hypertrophica occurs, nodular thickenings form, especially on the nose. In addition to the physical suffering, psychological problems not infrequently arise, as the disease has a very disfiguring effect and thus greatly affects the general well-being of those affected.

Course of the disease

At the beginning of the disease, affected Rocacea patients often report a slight itching, or feeling of tension, as well as a “sunburn-like” skin. In the course of the disease, inflammation, small pustules and pustules develop, often resulting in extensive redness over time. Typical for rosacea is that the course takes place in recurring episodes. At times, the skin looks only slightly red and blemished, while at other times it shows very itchy pustules and purulent vesicles. These inflammations of the sebaceous glands, which last for years, lead to a strong increase of the connective tissue, whereby small yellowish or reddish knots become visible. This can result in a so-called “bulbous nose“. In addition, it should be mentioned that there are different types of rosacea, so not every patient has to be directly affected by every stage. In the ocular form, for example, the eyes are equally affected, in the form of conjunctival, corneal, and eyelid margin inflammation.


In severe forms, rosacea can lead to various complications. These primarily include growths on the sebaceous glands, which mainly appear in the nasal region, and inflammation of the eyes. In addition, it is possible for the disease to progress rapidly.However, in some cases it persists temporarily. One of the most severe sequelae of rosacea is rhinophyma, also called bulbous nose. It appears exclusively in the glandular-hyperplastic stage of the disease and is classified as severity III. It is particularly common in men older than 40 years. Those affected suffer from bulbous growths in the area of the nose, which represent a considerable cosmetic problem. Sometimes the growths also form on the chin, earlobes or forehead. In some patients, the skin growths may appear singly without any other rosacea symptoms. Diagnosis is considered extremely important because the harmless rhinophyma can show similarities to basal cell carcinoma, a form of skin cancer. However, it has not yet been clearly established whether basaliomas are favored by rhinophyma. Also among the complications of rosacea are inflammations of the eyes. About one fifth of all patients suffer from them. The eye rosacea becomes noticeable by inflammations of the eyelid margin or the conjunctiva. Furthermore, there is a risk of inflammation of the iris or cornea. In extreme cases, ocular rosacea even results in blindness of the patient, but this is very rare.

When should you go to the doctor?

Rosacea should always be treated by a doctor. Only timely medical treatment can limit and avoid further complications and discomfort. The earlier the disease is detected and treated by the doctor, the better the further course of this disease. A doctor should be consulted if the affected person suffers from redness on the skin. This may also be accompanied by severe itching. If these symptoms occur without any particular reason and do not disappear on their own, a doctor must be consulted in any case. In some cases, the symptoms can also resemble the symptoms of acne and should also be examined by a doctor. Furthermore, permanent fatigue indicates rosacea. In the first place, rosacea can be examined by a dermatologist or by a general practitioner. Further treatment is then also carried out by these doctors. There is usually a complete cure and no further complications or discomfort.

Treatment and therapy

Many affected people suffer extremely from rosacea (rosacea). It is not this itself, but its appearance that troubles them. Similar to “simple” skin blemishes, rosacea is not a particularly painful disease, but just one with aesthetic side effects. The self-esteem of those affected suffers and the non-existent prospect of a complete and rapid cure weighs on the patients’ mood. But a well-trained specialist can help. He diagnoses the disease and gives valuable tips on how to deal with rosacea. It is important to take proper care of the skin. It should neither be strongly irritated by vigorous rubbing nor treated with unnecessary cosmetics. Only fragrance-free cleansing products and creams should be used. In addition, strong exposure to the sun, as well as high temperature fluctuations should be avoided in the case of rosacea. Furthermore, it is possible to use a cream specially prescribed by the dermatologist, whereby the active ingredients metronidazole and erythromycin promise relief. Creams containing cortisone, on the other hand, must not be used. Massaging the nose, cheeks, chin and forehead can also have a beneficial effect on the healing process. If this does not help the affected person, medication cannot be dispensed with. The active ingredient minocycline is frequently used because it has few side effects. In the presence of a “bulbous nose” can be treated surgically by removing the top layer of the nasal skin.


Preventive measures against rosacea include the use of sunscreen, avoidance of less tolerable foods and stress, avoidance of perfumed and irritating cosmetic products, and regular ophthalmologic checkups.


In most cases, those affected by rosacea have very few and also very limited measures or options for direct aftercare. These should therefore contact a doctor at the first symptoms or signs of the disease, so that it does not come to further complications or discomfort. A self-healing of rosacea can not occur.The disease is usually treated by taking various medications. Those affected should always pay attention to the prescribed dosage and also to the regular intake of the medication so that complications or other complaints do not arise in the further course. Most patients with rosacea are also dependent on the permanent support and care of their own family. This can also alleviate or even completely prevent depression and other psychological upsets. Likewise, loving and intensive conversations also have a positive effect on the further course of rosacea. In some cases, rosacea also reduces the life expectancy of the affected person. However, the further course depends very much on the time of diagnosis and also on the manifestation of the disease, so that a general prediction is not possible.

What you can do yourself

People who suffer from rosacea can also pay attention to things apart from possible drug treatments that improve the clinical picture or do not aggravate it further. Since the skin redness and inflammation can be aggravated by stress, it is important to avoid it as far as possible. For this purpose, the affected person can resort to relaxation techniques such as yoga or mediation. These have a mood-lifting effect and can protect against stress. Since rosacea is an inflammatory disease, certain nutritional factors can provide support. Omega-3 fatty acids are said to have a particularly strong anti-inflammatory effect. These are mainly found in fatty sea fish such as mackerel, herring or salmon. It is therefore recommended to consume fish once a week. In addition, stimulants that could worsen the skin’s appearance should be avoided as far as possible. In particular, the consumption of alcohol and nicotine should be significantly reduced. Furthermore, regular exercise in the fresh air can have a positive effect on the skin’s appearance. In addition, suitable care and cosmetic products should also be used. Hard peelings and very rich and greasy creams should be avoided. Products that are composed of as few ingredients as possible and do not contain alcohol are recommended. Since the skin is very sensitive, a suitable sun protection factor should be applied even in the case of low sun exposure. In addition, gentle facial massages can help minimize swelling and redness.