Intervertebral disc protrusion of the lumbar spine

In order to understand what a disc protrusion of the lumbar spine (lumbar spine) is and why it causes which symptoms, one should briefly consider how the spine is structured. In our body, our spinal column forms the skeleton’s basic structure and consists of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine (lumbar spine). It also protects … Intervertebral disc protrusion of the lumbar spine

Symptoms of a disc protrusion of the lumbar spine | Intervertebral disc protrusion of the lumbar spine

Symptoms of a disc protrusion of the lumbar spine First of all, it must be said that there are a considerable number of cases that cause no or only very moderate symptoms. Here the extent of the protrusion is too small or a slow progression preceded to which the nerves involved could adapt. However, there … Symptoms of a disc protrusion of the lumbar spine | Intervertebral disc protrusion of the lumbar spine

Therapy | Intervertebral disc protrusion of the lumbar spine

Therapy The freedom from pain or pain relief is so important because then strengthening exercises and physiotherapy can be started. A strong back musculature in the lumbar spine and the correction of incorrect posture, e.g. in a so-called back school, are the keys to healing a disc protrusion of the lumbar spine. In addition, massages … Therapy | Intervertebral disc protrusion of the lumbar spine

Disc protrusion

General information The intervertebral discs connect the vertebral bodies of the spine with each other. They are located between the vertebral bodies in question and consist of fibrous cartilage. This is not a rigid but a flexible connection, which allows the spinal column the possible freedom of movement. The human body has 23 intervertebral discs, … Disc protrusion

Causes | Disc protrusion

Causes The causes of a disc protrusion are similar to those of a herniated disc. First of all, one should be aware of how such damage can occur. The cartilaginous intervertebral discs consist of two parts, the fibrous cartilage ring and the gelatinous core. In most cases, disc protrusions (as well as herniated discs) are … Causes | Disc protrusion

Symptoms of a slipped disc in the thoracic spine | Symptoms and therapy for a slipped disc

Symptoms of a slipped disc in the thoracic spine A herniated disc occurs only in rare cases in the thoracic spine. The symptoms are unspecific and depend on the height of the herniated disc. It often takes a long time until a herniated disc in the thoracic spine is recognized as such. This is because, … Symptoms of a slipped disc in the thoracic spine | Symptoms and therapy for a slipped disc

Symptoms of a slipped disc in the lumbar spine | Symptoms and therapy for a slipped disc

Symptoms of a slipped disc in the lumbar spine The lumbar spine experiences the greatest stress and is affected by 90% of all herniated discs. Often the disc between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae or the disc between the fifth lumbar vertebra and the coccyx is affected. Those affected usually feel acute pain, which … Symptoms of a slipped disc in the lumbar spine | Symptoms and therapy for a slipped disc

What does a conservative therapy for a herniated disc look like? | Symptoms and therapy for a slipped disc

What does a conservative therapy for a herniated disc look like? The treatment of a herniated disc always depends on the extent of the damage. In most patients (90% of cases) a conservative therapy is sufficient to alleviate the symptoms. The therapy has two main goals. The first is pain relief. This is necessary so … What does a conservative therapy for a herniated disc look like? | Symptoms and therapy for a slipped disc

Common causes of a slipped disc | Symptoms and therapy for a slipped disc

Common causes of a slipped disc A herniated disc can have various causes. In most cases, however, it is the result of physiological aging processes. With age, the water content in the nucleus of the disc decreases more and more. In fact, from the age of 20, the intervertebral disc can store less and less … Common causes of a slipped disc | Symptoms and therapy for a slipped disc