Causes | Pain in the palm of my hand – What do I have?

Causes Causes for a painful palm can be tendosynovitis, as well as carpal tunnel syndrome, since the median nerve within the carpal tunnel supplies the palm of the hand sensitively. Also rheumatic illnesses, like rheumatoid arthritis, can cause for example by an inflammation of the joint in the thumb saddle joint complaints in the ball … Causes | Pain in the palm of my hand – What do I have?

Associated syndromes | Pain in the palm of my hand – What do I have?

Associated syndromes The accompanying symptoms of pain in the palm of the hand depend primarily on the cause of the complaints. In the event of a fall or other traumatic event, fractures of the carpal or forearm bones can also occur. Sprains and contusions are also possible. In addition, injuries to the muscles and tendons … Associated syndromes | Pain in the palm of my hand – What do I have?

Which doctor will treat this? | Pain in the palm of my hand – What do I have?

Which doctor will treat this? If you have pain in the palm of your hand, you can first consult an orthopedist. The orthopedic surgeon will usually arrange for an X-ray of the hand in cooperation with a radiologist. Often further imaging by means of MRI or CT is necessary. Once the cause of the complaints … Which doctor will treat this? | Pain in the palm of my hand – What do I have?

Duration/Prediction | Pain in the palm of my hand – What do I have?

Duration/Prediction The duration of the pain at the ball of the hand can vary greatly depending on the cause. In the case of traumatic events such as fractures, the pain usually heals after a few weeks of immobilization.Chronic pain caused by rheumatism or carpal tunnel syndrome, for example, can last longer. Straight illnesses of the … Duration/Prediction | Pain in the palm of my hand – What do I have?

Finger breakage

The fingers are anatomically very easy to injure structures of our body. Finger fractures are one of the most common traumatic events in the emergency room. To understand finger fractures, it helps to understand the basic anatomy of the hand. The hand is divided into three parts: Wrist, palm, and fingers. The fingers are most … Finger breakage

Pain in the fingertip

Definition Pain in the fingertip is defined as painful sensations in the area above the finger joint furthest away from the body. These can also occur in the nail area. The quality of the pain can be very variable, depending on its cause. For example, stinging, tingling, pressing, knocking or drilling pain can occur. In … Pain in the fingertip