Movement | Finger Joint

Movement The movements of the fingers are performed by different muscles. The forearm muscles are responsible for powerful movements, while the short hand muscles are responsible for fine motor movements. Pain in the finger joints during pregnancy Pain in the fingers during pregnancy is often caused by a temporary carpal tunnel syndrome. This does not … Movement | Finger Joint

Symptoms of finger arthrosis | Home remedies for finger arthrosis

Symptoms of finger arthrosis The symptoms of finger arthrosis are primarily manifested by pain in the affected finger joints and a restriction of movement. Typical for the pain is that it occurs after a longer period of immobilization in the joint, for example during the night, and is a kind of starting pain during the … Symptoms of finger arthrosis | Home remedies for finger arthrosis

Therapy of finger arthrosis | Home remedies for finger arthrosis

Therapy of finger arthrosis In the case of finger arthrosis, the main focus is on symptom-oriented treatment. This consists of pain medication in the form of tablets and, if necessary, the local application of cortisone applied to the diseased joint space. The symptoms of arthrosis can be additionally alleviated with physical therapy and physiotherapy, which … Therapy of finger arthrosis | Home remedies for finger arthrosis

Activated arthrosis

What is activated arthrosis? Actuated arthrosis is the most severe form of arthrosis (joint wear and tear). It occurs when a joint that is already affected by arthrosis is stressed too much or for too long. The typical signs of inflammation are pain, swelling, redness and restricted mobility. The pain of activated arthrosis is usually … Activated arthrosis


Synonyms Leg, synovial cyst, ganglion cyst further meaning: In medical terminology, “ganglion” is also an anatomical term for an accumulation of nerve cell bodies. This will not be discussed in this article. Introduction A ganglion is a fluid-filled protuberance of the synovial membrane that often occurs in the area of the wrist. Because it presents … Ganglion

Therapy | Ganglion

Therapy If a ganglion does not cause any discomfort, it usually does not need to be treated – in many cases it even recedes on its own.However, if pain occurs or the ganglion presses on nerves or blood vessels, therapy becomes necessary. Then the following treatment options are possible: Conservative therapy: If a ganglion has … Therapy | Ganglion

Diagnosis | Ganglion

Diagnosis Often the doctor can diagnose a ganglion by palpation after asking the patient about his symptoms and medical history (anamnesis). If other causes for the swelling are possible, the diagnosis can be confirmed by an ultrasound examination. The ultrasound can also reveal possible arthrosis or injuries as a trigger for the ganglion. If, on … Diagnosis | Ganglion

The Fingernail

Definition By the nail one understands the horn plates formed by the epidermis at the foot and finger end members. The fingernail protects the end phalanges from external influences and increases the sensitive tactile sensation at the fingertips through its abutment. Structure Several structures belong to the structure of the fingernail: The nail plate, embedded … The Fingernail