Personal Hygiene (Body Care): Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Most people develop a daily routine of personal hygiene throughout their lives. This process usually begins in childhood and is copied and internalized by parents and other adults. Personal hygiene serves primarily an end in itself, but it also has to do with the social environment. Thus, it equally fulfills various functions, and various types … Personal Hygiene (Body Care): Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases


Overview The nail is a cornification product of the epidermis, the uppermost layer of the skin. The curved and approximately 0.5-mm-thick nail plate of the fingernails and toenails rests on the nail bed, which is bounded laterally and proximally by the nail wall, a fold of skin. The nail bed is covered by epithelium (stratum … Nails

Nematode Infection: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Nematode infection can be promoted by a lack of hygienic measures. Appropriate measures are important in nematode control. What is nematode infection? So-called nematodes (threadworms) can cause nematode infection in humans. There are several types of nematodes; the nematodes that most commonly cause nematode infection worldwide include roundworm and pinworm. The roundworm is predominantly found … Nematode Infection: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Levothyroxine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Various hormonal diseases require hormonal adjustment or hormone replacement therapy. This also applies to thyroid disease. Thus, in the case of hypothyroidism, the administration of artificial thyroid hormones is necessary. Levothyroxine, for example, is used in this case. What is hypothyroidism? Levothyroxine is a thyroid hormone. More precisely, it is the T4 form of the … Levothyroxine: Effects, Uses & Risks